SHMUP sample

Posted by Scott_AW on April 12, 2010, 4:22 a.m.

When I first started GLBasic, the first project I decided to play with was Rick Jason, my side scrolling SHMUP.

I hacked out a decent little demo before, but after a little more reading into GLBasic I found better ways to do things.

And so I scrapped the code and redid it.

So here's a simple tech demo. The enemies keep coming, Z to shoot, arrow keys to move and ESC at any time to quit.



Unaligned 14 years, 10 months ago

Fairly simple, I'm guessing you'll change/fix these things. but I'll say them anyway:

-Either make the sprites smaller or enlarge the screen

-When you let go of the arrow keys, the player's deceleration is only horizontal.

Otherwise, it seems like a good start. The graphics are also cool.

Scott_AW 14 years, 10 months ago

I should had the speed effects to vertical, does look weird.

I still need to decide if I'm going to make this geared towards GP2x or just PC.

Crane-ium 14 years, 10 months ago

Looks good. It's impossible to kill anything without getting hit in return.

We could relate that to Newton's Third Law, but this is a computer game, and I wanna kill some baddies without getting hurt.

Scott_AW 14 years, 10 months ago

LOL, don't worry this is just a tech demo. I'll do something about mixing up the bullet rate and having more movement to enemies.