SCHMUP sample 2, big screen, sample level!

Posted by Scott_AW on April 14, 2010, 8:18 p.m.

While I did not create a tile program just yet, apparently it is more efficient to use a solid image when using pixel perfect collision in GLBasic. This kind of works out because there are no perfect method of getting Mappy or Tiled tile maps into GLBasic.

I was going to make a tile program but am stalling on it for two reasons. One being that someone is working on script to read mappy files, and the second being that I can just make maps in Tiled and export layers to full sized images, break them up in chunks to save on speed and drawing.

The demo runs in full-screen 1024x600, since I use netbooks for developement. Arrows to move, Z to shoot.

This demo, the foreground area is single image, with a background image underneath. Currently enemies and their attacks defy logic, going through the map, but you however bounce off it and your weapons are destroyed by it. I've had a few good ideas on how to take advantage of a fully imaged tilemap, like being able to make custom detailings to them.

At this time only enemy fire hurts you.

So do your best to try and break the collision system, I think I fixed all the bugs but I need some rougher hands on this.



Ferret 14 years, 10 months ago

Pretty good looking, still impossible to kill without getting hit but I'm sure you noticed.


Mah Boi, you need a banner and avatar or something.

Scott_AW 14 years, 10 months ago

I had an avatar, which was old an outdated, but can't seem to upload anything here anymore.

Unaligned 14 years, 10 months ago

The collision system with the map works perfectly (at least I didn't find any bugs). In the player's thrust image you can appreciate the dark green background, that doesn't coincide with the black background, and when I go all the way to the left of the screen, I get "stuck on the edge" (the player's speed is reduced a lot) and the screen scrolls left instead of right.

Otherwise, it all looks like this is headed in the right direction.

Edit: try using the URL uploader, works fine to me.

Scott_AW 14 years, 10 months ago

I didn't try the URL loader…okay I did, but still get 'can't move file'.

Still a few things to work out, code to clean up before I move on. However its proving to be pretty easy going.