3rd tech demo, and a OSX version

Posted by Scott_AW on April 21, 2010, 3:02 a.m.

9000+ pixel long level in one go, solid 60fps. I haven't checked uncapping it.

Still need to fix some things, like making the player bullets faster and enemy AI. The level is split into 9 1024x600 frames, with a lightmap, solidmap and backmap. The entire level is pixel based collision, as is all collision in the game.

I built the levels using Tiled, a very nice program, exported images of separate layers and chopped them up.

I left out enemies since they're pretty much ghosts and defy the laws of physics, but in the demo I have of the entire level, shown below, you can press TAB to create some.

Download rj_tech3.zip

It takes a few seconds to load-up the level graphics, displayed by fat white bars on the bottom of the screen.

So, arrow keys to move, Z to shoot, TAB to create random enemy…who defies collisions.

A fancy screenshot.

The whole damn level.

Now check it on OSX too -> OMG, Mac!


Unaligned 14 years, 8 months ago

Certainly improved since the last update, but here are some observations:

-The player's bullet speed should always be faster than the player.

-Maybe I'm bad at these type of games but the corridors in the levels seem too narrow. Maybe now it isn't a problem, but when enemies shoot and the player has no space to dodge…

-The enemies' explosion sprite follows the scrolling speed of the player, it's always nice to fly through the smoke of a defeated enemy.

Other than that, you have a solid start. Plus, the HUD looks cool.

Scott_AW 14 years, 8 months ago

Good points.

flashback 14 years, 8 months ago

You had me at "OSX version."

Scott_AW 14 years, 8 months ago

And linux, once I get a OS installed on my desktop. Any suggestions on which of the many many linux distros to use?

flashback 14 years, 8 months ago

Ubuntu would be easiest to set up for, or Debian. Debian and Ubuntu in terms of making packages for distribution, definitely, though you might was Red Hat or SUSE for rpms as well.

Ferret 14 years, 8 months ago

Yeah about what sinistrade said, the level is very narrow, and that was without enemies. It almost seemed like a slow dodge the environment game. Speaking of the environment, it looks awesome.

Scott_AW 14 years, 8 months ago

Well I'll redo do it with a little more wiggle room for the player.

marbs 14 years, 8 months ago

I just played the OSX version, and it seems to work well.

I don't quite get the movement controls though. When going through the smaller diagonal gaps I want to slow down, but it seems I can either go backwards or go faster forwards. It also seems strange that I can overtake my own bullets. The graphics however are very nice. Keep it up! :)

Scott_AW 14 years, 8 months ago

I'll be reworking the speeds of scrolling and the player, I think I got it down. Bullets will be faster too.