Thanks Ken, its 6DOF *DEMO*

Posted by Scott_AW on May 9, 2010, 1:18 a.m.

New Demo And you'll need the newest update of EvalDraw, 5/8/10 or 8/5/10 for you Euros.

I guess we can't all appreciate old-school game play, and thus I fold with the offering of Ken himself to optimize and improve my rinky-dink game engine.

I was perfectly happy with a campy dungeon crawler, but now I have a 6dof voxel dungeon crawler with raycasting and actual map collision checking. And its faster too.

That's right, I got full movement, strafing, and mouse look.

Only drawback is he converted my map data from a 4-way wall, multi-layer array(it was 4d) to a standard 2d. So some modification on my part is needed. That and a decent map maker needs to be created. It needed to be done anyway.

So what have I done? Well I gots me some faux fog fade out and support for multiple lights. Of course there is no true lighting, I added the lighting effect to the fog effect.

Using point distance math, and a bunch of MIN/MAX commands I have successfully created multicolored lights that can blend with each other.

Things to do, add support for different wall types per face(N,S,E,W) and different floor/ceiling types. Currently each cell on the grid is one type of wall and one type of floor/ceiling. Then I need support for multiple layers and gravity.

Hopefully this won't be too difficult to add since I'm already spending more time on the engine then I planned. However I very pleased with the progress with the lighting.

Most likely the bigger challenge will be doing the entities, or enemies.

I guess I'll show some screen shots because I know how everyone likes pictures.

Also Ken got a new update for EvalDraw, fixing the issue with functions with no var inputs. Which was causing my first demo I released here to not run in the new compiler.


Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

Congrats, yeah this will be an improvement. I think why the walls looked strange to me was because I was always restricted to being perfectly perpendicular to them.

Scott_AW 14 years, 9 months ago
Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, that does looks awesome.

Rez 14 years, 9 months ago

This looks sweet. I'm guessing you're going to add torches and junk so that the lighting actually makes sense, but it'd also be pretty sweet if casting fireballs temporarily lit up places. All this stuff sounds like a massive headache, good luck.

SteveKB 14 years, 9 months ago

this looks impressive. I want to play.

Scott_AW 14 years, 9 months ago

Actually the lighting is probably more simple then true 3d lighting. It can probably handle a lot of them, like fireballs, that would be fun to check out.

Also someone was able to correct the normals of my voxels, I forgot the KV6 format was more advanced then the VOX, and I was doing anything with the normals when converting them. My bad for assuming it was built in.

Juju 14 years, 9 months ago

Is that an in-bred Mr. Potatohead?