Just because...

Posted by Scott_AW on June 26, 2010, 1:22 a.m.

So with little time, and having to spread that between C++, EvalDraw, and GLBasic, of course I've added another to the list.

Why not cycle through four coding environments?

Maybe you're just sane.

So in C++, its a slow -painful- process of creating the basics for 'The Crawl' using Voxlap. C++ can be such a pain in the ass. I was assigning counter variables as CHAR(characters) when I should of used INT(integer), even though another part of code which was similar I had correctly used integers. You can't += an CHAR and thus I got an infinite loop.

Then I was including string.h instead of string, and my getline(for reading a line of text in a file) was not being recognized.

Bah. But that's all worked out now.

And of course EvalDraw is where I'm creating the prototype of the engine to be converted to C++, which actually isn't as bad as making some other needed functions.

Then GLBasic for handling the creation of editors, for Map making, image to voxel creation and soon a heightmap to voxel creation tool.

All that has given me some programming fatigue, so I needed something more artistic and simple to give myself a periodical break from coding and killing brain cells.

And thus I've dusted off Black Shadow.

I had already started redoing the maps in January, but its kind of been asleep since then. Now I've dipped back in and started creating some more maps, tweaking code, improving some scripts and other speed related improvements.

Also making some improvements to the so-so bosses and adding a few other features I'll disclose later.

Maps in Black Shadow now have better collisions and consistent sizes. Also there is and will be much more split offs and alternative routes.

Which means I'm keeping a map to keep track of all the rooms.


melee-master 14 years, 6 months ago

Why does that map make me think of Zelda?

Scott_AW 14 years, 6 months ago

Don't know, coloring?

sirxemic 14 years, 6 months ago

Why not cycle through four coding environments?
Yeah. Why DO you?

You can't += an CHAR and thus I got an infinite loop.

Anyway, waiting for the final result…

Scott_AW 14 years, 6 months ago

Keeps things fresh.

Hopefully I'll have a map being displayed in Voxlap soon, its a big difference from EvalDraw's voxel rendering as far as lighting.