Added zooming to the map maker for The Crawl.
Found hereSo I went into it and began ripping out unneeded or pointless chunks of code and drawing to improve overall performace. On top of that I've made level maps standard at 480x480 pixels.Currently this will only take you as far as the Palace Garden before the progress stops, also avoided falling into the orange pit as it leads nowhere.There's still much cleaning to be done, but I've changed how I place my collissions and hopefully resolved some issues related to that.I've removed the blendmode effects from character and enemies, as well as the the backshadow, changed room transitions to be more instant and hopefully improved the overall behavior and challange to the very first boss.Somehow I also created an animation bug that I'll need to fix, you'll notice when you enter a room, all visible enemies attack without their attack sprite. Hopefully I just missed something.Download black_048.zipIn news on The Crawl, I've been going through my old notes and have begun to weed through them as I try and figure the best system to use for the RPG stats. I've a couple versions created over the years, some tested out in the original 2d version, the concept RPG project and the later 3d version made with GM.The Voxel RPG version was going to have a very basic and simple one before I decided to change it to The Crawl.However since I'm no longer doing a polygon & texture based version, I've found I have a huge stash of processed and unprocessed textures, mostly 256x256(processed ones) which I suppose I can release one of these days.