Simulated NES

Posted by Scott_AW on Aug. 12, 2010, 4:13 a.m.

So the usb stick I thought I lost, it was in the back of my seldom used giant tower desktop. That's right, its so old it does not know of frontal USB ports. Do they still make cases in that off white?

So I hacked together a quick demo of the RPG Nintendo classico style. Then a demo of the basic combat, very unfinished.


aeron 14 years, 6 months ago

Fakebit ;D

I always wanted to convert one of my old NES controllers to USB, but the keyboard I took apart and cut wouldn't fit inside the case. I'll probably end up buying a premade one online next time lol

Castypher 14 years, 6 months ago

Liking the Zelda-style multiscreen worlds. Now all you have to do is make it scroll so it looks like a better transition. But that's not important right now.

Acid 14 years, 6 months ago

I just had some quick ideas from looking at that. :P

Attack (Addition)

Skill Technique (Multiplication)

Magic (Division)

And then maybe separate them into the levels:

* Weak - Single digits

* Medium - Lower double digits

* Strong - Higher double digits

Just brain storming, thought it might help or something. I dunno.

Scott_AW 14 years, 6 months ago

@Aeron - there's a ton of DIY instructions on making those

@Kilin - I'd have to essentially hack Zelda to figure out how they did that, since NES can only handle two screens of map at a time.

@Acid - I like that idea, think I'll try that.

aeron 14 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, I had been following one where you wire the buttons up to a USB keyboard chip but the two I tried were too big to fit in the case.. I figure if I'm gonna spend more money on keyboards or kits, I might as well just fork up a little extra cash to buy a premade one and not have to risk screwing up ;)

Scott_AW 14 years, 6 months ago

I think you can find them at sparkfun or adafruit? They're just rectangles so you could make one out of cardboard if you really wanted to.