Raise the roof.

Posted by Scott_AW on Aug. 15, 2010, 11:24 p.m.

Skip the text and just get it here, or read on.

Added auto-roofin', certain walls get roofs if near a ceiling-less floor.

However, you have to place a roof over a floor for the purpose of door-ways.

And this time, since I remembered to bring the mapmaker, I have both a play and source download at Gamejolt.

Theres been some changes to the map maker, and some fixes. Also its starting to get complicated to handle, so a new GUI should be next on my todo list.

Also I hope to be upgrading my image to voxel program to have less limits and less chances of bugs, using GLB's new image to array function. This function pretty much eliminates the need to use the less then accurate(depending on your system) pixelget function.

So, new to the editor is a roof ceiling type, placement of doors and stairs with their settings. Keys still haven't been setup yet, since I'm thinking of changing how the key info is stored. Specificly in the place where the solid object flag is kept.


NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 4 months ago

<3 those graphics

shawn 14 years, 4 months ago

me likey