How the F___ did that happen?

Posted by Scott_AW on Sept. 10, 2010, 11:03 p.m.

So I started working on the image to voxel program again, using the sprite to array function now offered in GLBasic.

However there are two drawbacks. First is the array gets fed the complete color info, including the alpha channel. That and I'm not quite reading the array yet. And then theres the fact the the color is reveresed orderd. ABGR instead of RGBA….

I'm sure I can figure this out, but HTF did I get this interesting little glitch image? Nothing special but I thought it looked kind of neat.

Its a thumbnail, you can click it…

On the left is the model generated from the image on the right. I figured the colors would be wrong, the black would not cancel out, but the pattern it produce was kind of neat.

Obiviously my reading of the array is wrong. Of course its also putting a 1d array into a 3d array, so I'm guessing the order is very wrong.


Cesque 14 years, 5 months ago

Obviously I can't help you, but I like the totem made out of space invaders.

eagly 14 years, 5 months ago

Haha that's really awesome.

While I'm here, may I suggest ditching Photobucket and using this neat service called SSSSPRO?


Scott_AW 14 years, 5 months ago

I donno, I got a shit ton of crap on photobucket.

I was thinking space invaders, or even some demonic Donkey Kong level.

I fixed the issue with everything but colors, for some reason they are neon.