I think that it's finally came that it's seems good enough to me. Fresh new interface and fancy features, woohoo.
But the best part is I can upload crap again. Damn it, now it says I'm not logged in…
you bastards, getting my hopes up oh well, back to photobucket til then.
Downside is sometimes I get logged off randomly, but that might have been in the early release. I haven't been online too much, which actually gives me more time to work on
this more.
However the person doing my CON code editing is a bit tied up, so somethings haven't been started. This hasn't stopped me from hacking Duke3d's CON files myself though.
Maybe this is a new year for change, since last year sucked balls.
I hoping I can get this game completed, and with a fully featured engine to work with it should be a lot easier than starting from scratch.
Also finally getting a chance to test out Depths, and be impressed all over again by how it ran on a weak little netbook…being game maker.
Although I'm not totally going to bash GM, it was a great program, and still is a decent program, its just another product produced by less minds than it's creator. Much like how EA games gradually sucked the life out of SIM related games and made the SIMs into the digital whore it is today. Well its more of a manwhore since it tends to suck in female players more than men.
My wife had all of the Sims2 (we lost some, I almost got killed) and at one time the entire Sims 1, which is an insane amount of crap.
I had to get her a new harddrive for the combination of all the expansion and the downloaded free content….
There was a time when Oblivion mods took up a fair amount of space, but I haven't touched Oblivion in half a year. Never got into modding with it since the editor was a POS buggy thing that didn't like my computers.
Reminds me, I need to get a new computer, even if I'll have to get Win7…or learn to work with linux. Nice thing is the Eduke32, which I'm using for my Black Shadow TC for Duke3d has been ported to a variety of systems and handhelds, and since I'm not altering any source code(yet) it would be nice to see it running on a variety of devices.
If I finish it, which since technically I'm merging an old project with a new one, my list of projects doesn't go up. Which means less distractions. However I find I'm not too distracted from this when I work on it do to all the parts that need to be made.
Breaks down into map making, pixel arting, modeling/posing, CON script hacking and obsessive compulsive map detailing and tidying up.
Currently I've stretched map making between three maps now. The first map is nearly done and just awaiting an enemy, the area's boss and some special passages and secret areas.
Here's a teaser map of the first two areas.

Checking the link, it's a user uploaded file since for some reason I'm not truelly logged in…
And my stats seem to be gone and I joined tomorrow for some reason….
Black Shadow looks pretty cool. Old school, like.