Screen attack, the touching up.

Posted by Scott_AW on Jan. 7, 2011, 12:45 a.m.

With the first map nearly done, I've gone back and decided to touch things up.

Mostly this involves redoing the exterior areas (luckily not too many), but it also has involved some minor redesigns, decorating and using that wonderful palette swapping feature to recolor object and textures.

I'm nearly done correcting all the shading outside of the first map, but have at least half of the second map that needs this touch up as well.

Unfortunatly I didn't pay too much attention to my bright areas and ended up over brightening them. You can go negative shading, which is brightening, but it really just effects the visiblity of the object/texture. I also wasn't setting visibilty ranges for outside, which proved to make things look flat. So now I've gone and darkened walls and set floors to 0 instead of some random negative number they ended up being.

Results are nice, but I wish I had a few comparison shots on hand, otherwise you can compare changes in previous blog post that feature screenshots and videos, or simply visit the game's Blog Page.

Redid the exterior of the first temple, which is actually the exit. Other interiors have been decorated with gold as well, plus a recolor of the dark blue tile to now be red and blue.


Captain units, they're stronger, deadlier and smarter than the standard fair. More XP and a nice gold drop from them.

BTW, treasure aside, all gold coins are worth 1, and explode out in a ring around enemies or pottery that gets smashed. The mini-boss also drops a sizable shower of coins for you.

The wall of the Baron's keep, butted up against the town.

Inside part of the keep, looking out at a covered bridge..


Ferret 14 years, 1 month ago

Damn that looks amazing. I'm trying to think of a question to ask you so that this comment has a purpose, but everything is pretty well explained already.

Cesque 14 years, 1 month ago

These are some pretty big flowers. The textures look as good as they may look in a Build game :P

Is the town slightly darker now? It felt more… tutti-frutti-coloured before.

Scott_AW 14 years, 1 month ago

I started adding shading, still not done with the town. I may recolor the bricks as the alternative pal swaps are pretty nice and can add variety. Flowers benefit from this too. I love palette swapping.