Behold, mah rig...some of it from the 90s!

Posted by Scott_AW on Jan. 30, 2011, 2:37 a.m.

OMG, it's so damn old.

Points of notice

* The case was salvaged from my less youngest brother awhile back, hence the decals.

* The power supply is actually only two years old, I think its 500, I don't think it matters.

* There's one nice 500gb harddrive in there, a rather worn 120gb, and another one thats about 60gb, which is probably 6 years old now.

* Monitor, 3 years old, its CRT and they own, so deal or STFU, you kids know nothing of the power of old school tech.

* Intel Dual Core CPU, I don't know what it is other than that. I salvaged it from one of my dad's.

* 3gb DDR Ram! …of probably low speed.

* Sound Blaster Platinum! From the mid-early 90's, now thats a legacy piece of hardware.

* NVidia with 256gb, it does all that I want, so I happy. It may persist as a legacy hardware piece two, but there's also two spares my dad has I haven't checked out yet…ones an ATI, so it kind of rules itself out.

** Devoted mostly to my wife's Sim's addiction.

My developement unit, behold the glorious background.

* Intel Atom

* 1gb DDR

* Intel GMA 3150 (limited to openGL 1.4 in windows but not linux, WTF?)

* Standard stuff.

* Attached, 4gb sony USB

** Gets the job done!

So upcoming tax returns, I'm doing good on that, so that means time to replace the franken-rig. Well I'll keep it around, maybe retire some harddrives. But oh well, I need something more modern these days.

Now here's the thing, I've caught between building a nice low-cost custom system or just buying something on sale. I'm going with AMD ultimately.

I'm keeping the monitor, it even has a brother thats 9 years old. Both still look sharper than a LCD in all ways.


Ninji 14 years ago


My computer is a Dell 2400

Oh man i'd like to have something like your laptop. Even though it's just as well a piece of junk like my computer I bet.

Scott_AW 14 years ago

But its only 2.2 pounds!

Fun fact, it cost $110 per pound.

Ninji 14 years ago

Pssh. Still man. Them intel atoms are prob like as powerful as my 2.4ghz.

I bought my computer for 20$ plus my even older computer on top traded

Cesque 14 years ago

It's good to see one man sticking to a real monitor in the world full of LCDs. ;_;

Toast 14 years ago

Less youngest. Can you get any younger than youngest? Yes, more youngest.

Scott_AW 14 years ago

Most youngest, lest youngest, oldest. I made that up, just now.

If my intel Atom which is 1.5ghz is as fast as a 2.4ghz cpu thats pretty good. The atom chip might actually be cheaper than $20.

JuurianChi 14 years ago



Ninji 14 years ago

Well I also got incompatibilities with my Celeron and crippling bus speed that's slower than my more recent GPU at 500mhz.

I can't even emulate the pc98 computer to play Touhou on this one, but I could with my older 1ghz

death 14 years ago

wow and i thought my set up was bad xD