
Posted by Scott_AW on March 27, 2011, 2:14 a.m.

I ended up deleting a blog that mentioned this wonderful source of sound effects I found, so here's a blog about it.

Actually theres just going to be a bunch of filler…












Okay, so its, check it out. Its not one of those fake sound effect sites, and it puts flashkit to shame in variety and quality. Plus plenty of uncut raw sound recordings so you can pick and choose.

Free editor? Audacity, google it. Wonderful program.

Better file format? FLAC, look it up, it's amazing. It'll put MP3s & OGG to shame in that its a quick decoding codec, and a specially designed format with no loss and great compression.

But thats not totally fair to OGG because apparently you can mix the two up to create some strange yet wonderful love child.-

Convert to FLAC with FLICFLAC, a free converter.

Love free? Yeah? k, goodbye.


JuurianChi 13 years, 11 months ago


Ferret 13 years, 11 months ago

Audacity is good

Scott_AW 13 years, 11 months ago

Was playing around with FLACs, I get about a 20-25% reduction in file size.

I converted a 4minute 4mb MP3 song to a 42mb wav, then down graded it to 22khz from 44khz. Kept it at 16bit and stereo.

Wav is now 20mb, then FLAK it down to 13mb.

While its still pretty big, I decided to see how things would go running it in loop in the Black Shadow engine. Evaldraw doesn't support MP3s, but I was thinking of an alternative to midi music. I experienced no performance hit from playing the 13mb song in loop.

This will mean that the final product will be large due to sound, because I still have to work in dialog as well.

Eva unit-01 13 years, 11 months ago

Been using for forever, been using Audacity for forever. But nice mentioning those. They're awesome.