Early combat demo, you'll feel empowered.

Posted by Scott_AW on April 6, 2011, 1:44 p.m.


I decided to release this to show whats done so far.

Enemies still need a little work, they can get stuck since they aren't minding the ceiling, and attacking is radial instead of directed right now. They also don't attack or have animations. They'll attack before then.

Enemies change colors as you play, green means they're not on the floor, black is when they jump or are dead and red when hit. This is just for testing since theres no hurt poses or jiblets yet.

But now weapon pickups! Attack sounds(depends on damage), enemy grunts and death squeal.

Leveling also is working.

Stay tuned for more to come.


aeron 13 years, 11 months ago

Pretty neat. The bowman seems like he's gonna be a pain in the ass to defeat once he actually starts shooting you, just because you pretty much have to corner him to get within range. But yeah the sounds are legit, especially when you deliver the final blow. You should add random Duke Nukem style narrations every so many kills :) "Take that!" "Outta my way you bastard!"

Also I didn't leave a comment on your last blog but I really enjoyed that video of the torch coming alive xD

Scott_AW 13 years, 11 months ago

Don't mind the level, its just for testing purposes and will not be used in the game.

No camera complaints?

AI will get some improvements, but I'm sure that'll just make the bowman more annoying in the end.

Cesque 13 years, 11 months ago

Awesome! What's with the bowmen? They tend to get stuck or spin their model around.

The attack is alright, one thing that annoyed me is having your shield and sword clip through walls… but I guess there's little that can be done about it.