
Posted by Scott_AW on April 25, 2012, 11:05 a.m.

So for the unknown-th time I've started working on The Crawl, 3d rpg much like the classic AD&D based ones.

Some features in map making from the GM version have to be dropped, and I've also greatly cut down the map size and world map count. Maps can still have sub maps.

Currently I haven't really set any kind of limits in the means of object and event placement. I may not have to cap anything with the way I've been coding, of course some limits may be imposed.

Much like I had planned with the GM version, the game will be fully alterable, and a main game is planned. Textures are now broken into sets, however do to limits of GLBasic I need to break models with different textures into multiple pieces.

Otherwise the coding of the editor is going nicely, I'll be working out the height map feature soon.

Currently the packed version of the editor is about 15mb with its resources so I'm going to wait until the editor is more complete before I put out a demo. I'm also trying to figure out if the editor could be used on a handheld.

You right click tiles to erase, which you can't really do on a touch screen, unless I can figure out how to have pinch gestures, which would be like popping unwanted tiles.


Project WTF

Finding out that we live in a big lie of a system is a pretty gradual thing, I suppose. We all have our opinions that their is something wrong with how human society is operating, down from governments to religions and even science.

Not to mention all the doom saying in religious texts that land around these times.

Personally I kind of felt it all started going down hill in 2000, kind of like some predictions said involving the son of a king and all. Of course Bush and Bush Jr. fit the category.

Then consider all the world's natural and unnatural disasters that have happened between now and then. The big year seemed to be 2011 which saw mass die offs, earthquakes and other crazy shit.

Now I'm not saying the world itself is coming to an end, but everything seems to point to the end of an era.

How this effects the countries is kind of hard to figure out. People are pissed and lashing out in various ways against each other.

It seems that there is invisible players in this game of life, old spirits that have been around.

I've started a collection of recordings as well as studying music and even TV clips for messages. Also looking up things I hear about on wiki and other sources.

Noticed some very strange events, like people behaving oddly like I was in 'They Live', strange visions and dreams, seeing strong auras and witnessing the collection of ectoplasm.

That last thing was rather interesting, but I could only get it to occur most visibly once, other times its just been faint mists and little orbs.

When I was sitting around in a hospital with a paper cup with a little water in the bottom, I started moving my finger around the lip of the cup for awhile and began collecting a thick mist substance in the cup. It was kind of fun, but couldn't get anyone to take notice. Oh well.

A dream months later involved seeing a sky full of orbs, and actually being able to hold and feel them. Generally I don't feel things in dreams, so this was kind of a trip. Comparable to a cool ball of jello, but light as air.

So thats some craziness, more next time.


Mordi 12 years, 10 months ago

You were making the old The Crawl in GM?

Also, wat.

MMOnologueguy 12 years, 10 months ago

Quote: wat
I've started a collection of recordings as well as studying music and even TV clips for messages. Also looking up things I hear about on wiki and other sources.

Noticed some very strange events, like people behaving oddly like I was in 'They Live', strange visions and dreams, seeing strong auras and witnessing the collection of ectoplasm.

That last thing was rather interesting, but I could only get it to occur most visibly once, other times its just been faint mists and little orbs.

When I was sitting around in a hospital with a paper cup with a little water in the bottom, I started moving my finger around the lip of the cup for awhile and began collecting a thick mist substance in the cup. It was kind of fun, but couldn't get anyone to take notice. Oh well.
Have you ever heard of schizophrenia?

Scott_AW 12 years, 10 months ago

Heard of it, but I don't think I can blame a pysc condition on this. There's a lot of weird shit I found about…

firestormx 12 years, 9 months ago

I kind of glazed over the dev part, but the Project WTF part is kind of interesting. I honestly don't mean to sound like I'm attacking you or anything, but it does fit a lot of the criteria for schizophrenia. This sentence alone is pretty generically schizophrenic.:

Noticed some very strange events, like people behaving oddly like I was in 'They Live', strange visions and dreams, seeing strong auras and witnessing the collection of ectoplasm.
The paranoia and belief of people acting strangely around you, hallucinations (visions), and further hallucinations (auras and ectoplasm).

If you don't care how people on the internet interpret a blog posting, that's fine though. =P

But the more worrisome part is the part about seeing auras, because that is most often associated with seizures or head trauma (eg concussions). It could be more severe stuff as well. If you don't go see a doctor, you should at least mention it the next time you see one.