Resisting the laziness (Dr. Scythe)

Posted by Scythetastic on Dec. 8, 2007, 8:42 p.m.

Well, it seems to be December. And it's the obnoxious season. Happy holiday of your choice.

As you may or may not have heard, my laptop, known to some as the ScytheMachine, is now dead. In that "Permadead" way. Like when a zombie gets it's head blown off, only it's a laptop, and no guns were involved.

One week ago, I invaded JakeX's house. There were both shenanigans and Halo. Sometimes both at the same time. Things I have learned from this are:

I still rock at sniping. Huah.

Sixaxis controls from the PS3 DO NOT APPLY to driving a Warthog. Or anything else, for that matter.

JakeX's living room is huge, and unlike mine, contains a couch.

And finally, xMachine could've kicked ScytheMachine's butt any day of the week. And TWICE on Thursdays.

Project Devinas:

What? Learning GM? Oh, yeah, I'm supposed to be doing that. Silly me and my laziness.

Other things of note:

JakeX's cancerous arm tumo– I mean, girlfriend, continues to exist. Freaky.

I have noticed that I am being WATCHED in… well, it's OFFICIALLY called PAL, but it's basically Phys ed. Anyway, I've noticed some girl watching me. It's kinda creepy. Hopefully, she's not plotting my demise.

That oughta be good, content-wise, so I now present a poll.

POLL: What's your favourite holiday?

A: Christmas/One-o-them other ones, like Hannukah

B: Hallowe'en (AKA Free candy night)

C: New Year's

D: Thursday (WOOOOOOOO)

12: Monkey! Wait, that isn't… OH GOD MY MIND IS BREAKING.

F: I choose to respond via the gift of mime.


PY 17 years, 2 months ago

Doesn't DM have mod powers tho?

WaleedAmer 17 years, 2 months ago

Admin, I think.

PY 17 years, 2 months ago

Oh. It's Dev-X all over again!

minus the bitch-queen from hell bit.

Scythetastic 17 years, 2 months ago

*delay'd!* Actually, Deepermeaning ISN'T JakeX's girlfriend. GirlfriendX has no internet access, and so can't exist on the site. Probably, anyway.

I do, however have a hunch as to who it is.