Annual convention stuff (Scythe)

Posted by Scythetastic on March 19, 2008, 4:25 p.m.

Hola, people! It be March, and I am completely ignoring the fact that none of you care about my babble to bring you a March update. Huzzah and jubilations!

So, once again, I went to the annual convention. And, as at last year's con, the Melee tournament sucked. Horribly. Mainly due to the staff not realizing that there's a built-in tournament mode. After a severe verbal thrashing that I won't quote here, the staff guy apologized profusely and I felt better. No dice on entry, though. They only took 16 entrants, and I was #17. I DID, however, get to play the winner in a 1-on-1 exhibition match. And I gotta say that it was quite possibly the best match I ever played. There was also Brawl the next day. Turns out, I rock with Meta Knight. Mmmmm, warping deathcape.

Swag I got at the con, though, was pretty sweet. I got a sword keychain (which, by default, is pretty awesome), and some cool statue things.

I'm sure that all two of you wondering about Project Devinas are asking yourselves when I'll release ANY info, and I'll say this up front. PD is on hold for now, as a result of backlog on my games list. Odin Sphere, yo.

Oh, and Tartarus > Gigantes. This is FACT. >_>


No poll, yo. Not feeling creative this month.

A) What? Isn't this a– ARGH.

B) *facepalm*

C) It's true, sword keychains ARE awesome by default.

D) I am an egg.

E) Stop advertising your sandwiches.


PY 16 years, 11 months ago

Say, have you heard about my sammiches?

Only $29.99 for 2!

Leyenda 16 years, 11 months ago

What's this convention you'r talking about? Was it just a LAN party playing Melee? More? do they have a website?

You got pics of your swag?

Kenon 16 years, 11 months ago


Scythetastic 16 years, 11 months ago

@ Leyenda: I got to an anime con every year called Animaritime, it happens around February/March.

Next: No, the Melee tourney was just one event at the con, although it's my favourite for fairly obvious reasons.

Yes, they have a website, although I'm too lazy to post a link. Google Animaritime if you're interested.

Finally: I WOULD have pics of my totally awesome swag, but, alas, I have no camera of any flavour.

Amarin 16 years, 11 months ago

Wow, those Tartaros and Gigantes figurines aren't on eBay, they're freaking rare.