Duck party! (Scythe)

Posted by Scythetastic on Nov. 28, 2008, 11:51 p.m.

It's November, so here I am with delicious goings on. And chili.

Not much has been going on at all, really. Except That I got that one Castlevania game for Wii. Judgment, or whatever. Can't play it that often, though, because I refuse to go to my dad's (where the Wii is) to play it. In short, I have a game with no system to play it on. And I'm cool with that.

Other happenings in the last month involve my wisdom teeth, and the removal thereof, but I'm willing to bet nobody cares, and move on.

I have a hammer. But I won't hammer in the morning OR evening, all over this land. And I won't hammer out warning and danger, either. Nope. I'll just sit here with this hammer. And wonder what secrets it may hold.

Return of the POLL:

Duck Party!

A: What?

B: Woo!


D: Styrofoam!

And I'm out. Not really sure what that hammer business was about, but I DO have a hammer on this desk. Its mysteries are confounding.


shawn 16 years, 2 months ago

If its a problem, even a small one, get it done, it doesnt hurt at all.

The only thing you feel is the needle they put in your arm and your pretty much done.

TDOT 16 years, 2 months ago


Something about a dentist, being a specialist in things related to the mouth, sticking a needle in my ARM makes me just a tad uncomfortable…

Nighthawk 16 years, 2 months ago

The word 'duck' only appeared once in this whole thing, I'm terribly disappointed.


Castypher 16 years, 2 months ago

Kilin's Wisdom Teeth Adventure:

-Took a few cotton swabs of numbing solution to select places in the mouth.

-Got a few shots in the roof and sides of my mouth.

-Had to cut into my gums because the teeth were barely out.

-PRIED out my FREAKING teeth. It hurt like HELL through the 'numbness.'

And that's pretty much it. Lots of blood afterward too. The worst part is after when you can't open your mouth for anything.

Scythetastic 16 years, 2 months ago

@ Cyrus: If you're getting them out, I recommend asking about a twilight anesthetic. You're still concious for the whole thing, but numb. Bleeding's worse on the lower ones, or so I was told.

And I only had the upper ones removed.

Kamira 16 years, 2 months ago

Hm. Glad I don't have wisdoms. They sort of never existed.

Also, Definitley D.

[deleted user] 16 years, 2 months ago

Be a man and pull them out yourself with no anesthetic and a pair of rusty pliars. You will thank yourself for it later when you are out hunting polar bears with nothing but your bear bare hands.