More Thoughts on Not Blue

Posted by Scythetastic on Oct. 1, 2013, 1:02 a.m.

Anybody remember SnY?

Or Project Scarlet or whatever it was called. Because I do, and aside from a few issues, practically forced multiplayer and a severe lack of regular enemy types, to name a couple, I thought it was pretty good.

… a start, anyway.

Over time I've been wondering if there's something out there similar, but doing things right. More enemies, viable soloing, stages that aren't occasionally unwinnable, the list goes on.

Found some pretty good games on that search, but I'm feeling like the best way to recapture the SnY feeling without actually playing it is to make a new one. A new one with better balancing, more enemies, prettier pretty things, and the continued mass slaughter of little visor robots with laser cannon arms. Also an actual plot beyond "Here there be robots, they are clearly evil and must die."

Is this me rambling? Probably. Is it also potential foreshadowing? Time will probably tell. Or not. Time's kind of a dick like that, not actually having any means of communication and the whole not-actually-a-living-being thing.

….but yeah, moral of the story is that SnY 2 would be a pretty cool thing.


Castypher 11 years, 4 months ago

Has anyone thought to bitchslap JakeX and get him to make games again?

JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago


I've only played that game once. It was okay for what it was.

A sequel sounds interesting.