Yup, it's September. Time for my blogging…ness.
I was just chilling around, y'know, comics and stuff, when <a href=http://www.superdickery.com/other/66.html>this</a> was brought to my attention. To that I say: When did I have thrilling adventures in the 60's as a doctor?! Why was I not informed?! I'M SO CONFUSED!In other news, school going fine, has been for a couple weeks now. For those of you who also read JakeX's blog, yeah, we go to the same school, and yeah, he beats me up. But I shall claim my vengeance. Ohohohohoho, yes. Yes, I will.EDIT: vengeance complete! Say it with me now: Dentistry!Blogthing, once again:FREEFORM POLL! Answer however you want to the question below:What should my next poll be about?
Anwser to next blog question: Fleaz!!!
Running bread with a headband.
yeah whats up with the rambo toast man?!Your next blog should be about Seven Force, Professor Hangar, Dark Gaia, or some other kick ass video game villain.
Woah. Never seen it called Rambo toast before. I've always called it the ninja toast.