Nateistoraw's fun to mess with...

Posted by Shadeplay23 on Feb. 10, 2008, 7:44 p.m.

Hey guys,

I recently went to Nateistoraw's boards and spammed them for no reason. It's very fun to see what he likes to do after he is under pressure. He closed my topic about him also being "hardcoregamer" and "kingquest" because it was a false accusation. What a real loser.

So, yeah. Anyone registered on those boards? They're sooooo fun to spam because of the reactions they make. It's almost as fun as….Whatever thing you think is the most fun thing in the world!

I really think it would be fun to team up and spam the boards to test his reaction; I know it's immature…That's me. [:)] So, anyone in?




Shadeplay23 16 years, 11 months ago

Someone….What should the name of my third account there be?

t3mp3st 16 years, 10 months ago

Looks like someone killed his forum… I wouldn't of went that far, but it's still kinda funny.