People I hate

Posted by Shawnanator on Sept. 22, 2006, 8:38 a.m.

Don't you all hate it when somebody rates your Engine a low rating JUST because you have ripped graphics. Come on people! Its a engine for people to use / get an idea of. Not a real game.

Anyways, Tons of people rip grahpics for their games. Should I flame people for using RIPPED GRAPHICS for their Comics? No! Should I flame people for using RIPPED GRAPHICS in their banner or sig? NO! Should I complain at Alphaman for using RIPPED GRAPHICS in his Avatar? Sometimes!

When you SHOULD Flame someone for ripped sprites are when,

1) They are ripped from your game

2) If You sell the game and have no permission to use sprites.

See people? It doesn't really matter

(Inspired by this engine - )


fprefect111 18 years, 5 months ago

It matters if it's a game, because it means that you're being stingy. The case with that particular engine is unfair, but otherwise it's a lot like coming across resource sprites in a game.

Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago

Get Linux.

fprefect111 18 years, 5 months ago


Bryan 18 years, 5 months ago

Linux is gay

Alpha Man 18 years, 5 months ago

I KNEW I was going to be mentioned! HAH.

Actually I couldn't care less about ripped graphics in anything. I do get mad when I see "GIVE ME CREDIT FOR THIS", even if it's just saying something like not required, since all they did was press print screen, and it really doesn't take as long as people say.

*Goes to link, sees that Cbdman made it* Of course… xD

cbdman25 18 years, 5 months ago

I think it's funny that Alpha Man has no real life friends.

I agree. And yes don't rate an example based on it's graphics (terms and conditions apply)

frenchcon1 18 years, 5 months ago

it doesnt say who u hate

Melee 18 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, he hates people that have mindsets like the one he stated.

Candra Software 18 years, 1 month ago

Like they rip graphics when they play the ROMs.

Candra Software 18 years, 1 month ago

How about if you would visit The Spriters Resource? I go to that WebSite to find a Huge Collection of Sprites. My Favorite TSR User is Drshnaps.