Posted by Sheppard on May 26, 2012, 5:26 p.m.

Okay, first things first, before this blog really begins, I have something to say…

The new Tenacious D album is flippin' awesme!

Seriously, if you haven't checked it out yet, and who hasn't?, do so as fast as can! This new CD is…a life changing experience ;_; (Tears of joy.)


My favorite song from the 'Rize Of The Fenix' album has to be 'Ballad of Hollywood Jack & Rage Kage.'

Okay, with that aside I would like to discuss my upcoming game. Most deceiving title ever, huh? Anyway, I haven't given much of a discussion toward the plot.

If you've played the beta ( keep in mind this is slightly outdated and many aspects have been updated by now) already, you're aware that it is a humor oriented game. But it does get down to some serious issues, and even makes some remarks toward society.

Keep in mind that this blog is focused on the plot elements of the game, gameplay is essential to this game as well, it will just be saved for a future blog. The beta given above doesn't allow you to see much of the gameplay simply because it is just the introduction and let's you get to know the characters.


"How many banjo players does it take to unscrew a light bulb? 5: 1 to do it and 4 to complain it's electric."

Marlo is the main character of the game. Marlo's past is unkown and has spent almost his entire life being homeless. His official title is 'Vagabond P.I.' since he likes to be a traveling detective. Yet, he was a having a hard time keeping ahead so he took a temporary job at a museum. When Sarah mailed her request for Professor Bradgensky, the museum currator, to assist in her expedition, Marlo saw the request on his desk and quickly saw a way out. Marlo put on a fake mustache similair to Pro. Bradgensky's and joined the expedition. No matter where he goes, Marlo brings with him a trusty banjo that can be used as either a smashing weapons, or he can play music that will confuse the enemy and cause different status effects.

"Grandfather used to tell me all sorts of fairy tales growing up…he talked of a place where only peace existed, rod that could split the sea, and told me if I read this book I would see him again one day…"

Sarah's grandfather used to travel the world and see all sorts of wonderous things. But one certain journey he kept in a diary seperate from all of the others. After his death, it was willed to her. It spoke of an expedition to a cave between the Tigris and Euphrates river, yet it did not mention what he found there. Sarah attempted to contact Pro. Bradgensky, who operates a museum focusing on Middle Eastern archaeology, to join her in this expedition. Yet she herself has no idea what they're about to find.

"I better get extra credit for this!"

Guy is a college student from Freelaun. Unfotunately, due to his low academic standing, Guy is going to be kicked out if he doesn't get his GPA up. Sarah mailed Guy's college asking if any interns would be interested in going for academic credits. One of Guy's professor's said he would pass him if he would go on the foreign trip. Throughout the story, Guy is generally clueless of his surroundings.

Anyway, the story's rather short so I can't give too much more information away. But I will end on this note-


Nehemek 12 years, 8 months ago

Looks interesting, is there a demo?

Sheppard 12 years, 8 months ago

Yeah there's a mediafire link to the beta posted in the blog post

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

Modify your first paragraph.

"No cursing on the front page"

panzercretin 12 years, 7 months ago

Unmodify your first paragraph. It's a rite of passage, so to speak.

MMOnologueguy 12 years, 7 months ago

What TwinSoul (or twinsoul, or Twinsoul, I forget) said. The 64Digits rules are almost a year old now and the framers, while debatably well-intentioned, could not have known what kind of society their young website would soon become. Besides, F1ak3r is from South Africa, which probably works for a slave owner allegory somehow.