Posted by Shork on Jan. 9, 2007, 6:46 p.m.

School starts in one week. I hate it. My first day will last 12 hours, mostly lab time. I do not feel capable of making anything with Game Maker right now. Or ever. I probably will start again. Sometime. I want to make a tactical RPG epic, I even started with a possible sprite for one of the characters. I want it to be isometric, but it's hard to make good looking isometric character graphics from scratch. I think I will wait for the line of tactical RPG examples to get finished. Then I'll sit down and pull them apart. Make it isometric. Make turn order based on unit speed. Create a plot and stuff. Then after I get everything ready and have the engine and menu put together, I think I'll quit, becuase I always do that.

I have been told this blog needs more content. Ok, here goes: Anyone still play Starcraft? I recently started playing on battle.net again. I continue to get my ass kicked, but I'm getting better. I am practicing by playing a bunch of 3v5 computer games. Last night, I was teamed with a couple of newbier newbs than me. They were both Protoss and I was Zerg. They had decided to build a whole bunch of Gateways and enough Pylons for 200 control without making a single Zealot first. I had decided to make 4 extra Hatcheries and a few hydralisks for defense. Then, my teammates' bases started to get hit by the computers. They struggled to make some dragoons or something while getting attacked, but those are slow to make. I made some more hydras and 8 more hatcheries, then tried to leave my base on the opposite end of the map to go help them. That's when I came under attack, so I decided I needed to save my own ass rather than leave my base unprotected. This pissed off my teammates becuase I wouldn't go help them while I was being attacked. By the time I got my base saved, those newbs were screwed. They would have been anyway. So I destroyed two of the computers bases while they busy screwing the newbs. This pissed off the screwed newbs so much they quit before their last pylon was destroyed. So I was fighting 3 hard computers by myself. Those bastard computers must have had their AI greatly improved becuase they were all working together really well. The Terran comp had placed spider mines all through the Protoss comp's base. The Terran and Protoss had made a bunch of Dragoons and Reavers, and Siege Tanks, while the Zerg comp made a bunch of Mutalisks and Guardians to protect them. I held those sons of bitches off for an hour, but I still lost. I am really impressed how an 8 year old game can still be that fun to play. And that's why I hate World of Warcraft. If Blizzard would stop work on that dumb game, and make a Starcraft 2, it would sell millions of copies, no questions asked.


blueBX 18 years ago

Something I agree with.

KaBob799 18 years ago

Very original opinion =p

Terv 18 years ago

i hate school too! but, when i say that people ask me why i get good grades, and i reply, "So, when I'm out college I can get a job with alot of money" (and lots of babes)

popple_waffles 18 years ago

School is boring, and stuff, but i want to work for a cool company and GET RICH!!! so i try to do good in school

Relex 18 years ago

Schools boring alright… Im having class right now but im so bored that I reply to this blog… yes we realy DONT do anything here… but when its vacation I sometimes want to go back to school because im bored too. (hmm whats that say about my life…) wow I sound pethetic Id better stop right now.

Kenon 18 years ago

Ok… since I'm in a bad mood, your blog went the wrong way on my thought choice. Add more content and tell one of the mods to re-add it.