Another Starcraft blog.

Posted by Shork on May 22, 2007, 12:46 a.m.

Praise be to God, Allah, Vishnu, etc, Starcraft II has been announced!

Unless you are a headless moron living in a cave with 5 or 6 extra chromosomes, you've already heard about it by now.

Anyway I am way frickin excited about this. I have watched the cinematic trailer 5 times, and the game play trailer 3 times. I check the site for updates at least three times a day. It's insane.

One of these years the game will actually be made availabe for purchase. When that happens, I'll camp out for days to buy it.

I have also noticed that there has been a string of blogs about starcraft I. For your information, I play on USEast as Shork. If you play, add your name and server so that we may play, and you will most likely win.

The most annoying thing about is the backstabbing. If you fall into the previous category of cave-bound mongoloid, a backstabber is someone who allies with you before hitting your base with about 300 carriers. Blizzard has announced that they will be overhauling, and I hope that part of that overhaul will be a method of tracking backstabbing. I am not sure about the best way of identifying a backstabber. Maybe if 5 or more players (with enough games to prove their not some type of bot) all independently name the same person as a backstabber then a special badge can be given to that player to denote the backstabbing status, then other players can choose whether or not to ban the player from their games. That might work.

I have also seen people complain about how starcraft II will only have three races. Damn it, there will be an expansion pack! It's garaunteed, blizard has never made a game without an expansion pack, so there is plenty of time to add a new race.

I really like the new units, especially the zerglings and nydus worms. The new banelings may prove to be extremely useful if defilers and dark swarm are still in the game. I am really afraid that some of the really good units in SC1 will be removed from SC2. Oh well, we'll have plenty of time to find out.


LunchTime 17 years, 9 months ago

I'm a headless moron who lives in a cave, and has 5 or 6 extra chromosomes.

Mu6502 17 years, 9 months ago

And they said PC gaming was dead,give me a fuuuuck'n break!

foslock 17 years, 9 months ago

I have watched all the videos about exactly as many times as you have and I think I am equally excited. I've been playing since it originally came out (yes, I was 7 years old) and me and my friends have always wondered when the godly SC2 was going to be announced.

Finally that day had come, and all stayed up till 2:30 refreshing a live blog reporting on what was happening in Seoul, when it was announced.

I, seriously don't care about the "4th race" being absent from the game, because I think it would be incredibly hard for blizzard to balance and they might as well keep it closer to the originally SC gameplay. And for the people who think it's gonna be in an expansion pack, remember that this is blizzard we are talking about. Brood War added like 4-5 units, not an entire race :D

I play on as POACH-Xstatic add me as a friend. We should start a 64digits SC club, Shork.

Watch the game play video, and rewatch the protoss mothership thing like 100 times because it is the coolest thing… EVER

It takes like 10 seconds just to warp in and it can stop time, destroy everything below it, and create a black hole. The black hole has the best looking effects I've ever seen in a game to be honest. It's even better than the dynamic water in F.E.A.R.

Well, please PLEASE PLEASE buy this game just because it will own so hard. Blizzard even hired a few pro Korean SCers to help make sure the game is fully balanced.


wazu 17 years, 9 months ago


Oh, and I dot like starcratc, it seems too untealistiv, an too hard to folelow.

Shork 17 years, 9 months ago

And warcraft is realistic?

s 17 years, 9 months ago

Big whoop,wna fight about it?