Controversial Blog #1: Gays.

Posted by Shork on July 26, 2007, 5:17 a.m.

I noticed that blogs that cause controversies are blogs that get hits. Firebee recently wrote a blog about evolution vs creationism. I supported the evolutionist side becuase I feel that creationism limits God's power. If you had infinite power, making the entire universe in just 6 days seems boring. I want big bangs. Besides, the scientific evidence all supports evolution anyway. If you try to claim that the bible is good enough evidence, remember, the bible said that the Earth was the center of the universe and that pi is exactly three. Parts of the bible are excellent for trying to figure out how to live your life, but it's not that hot at doing science.

I got annoyed that people seemed to ignore scientific evidence and basic facts, many seemed proud to be scientifically illiterate. I thought "How could some one be this foolish, not to pay attention to class at least?" but that's when it hit me. Firebee didn't post that blog to debate evolution or creationism, he wanted blog views. If I want blog views, I need controversy. So I'm starting a series of blogs garaunteed to piss you off at least once.

Here goes: Gay marriage. I favor it.

For millenia, marriage has been defined not solely by the requirements of reproduction, but by cultural and religious views. For example, early judaism, mormonism, and modern day islam all included polygamy as an accepted, and even encouraged practice. In ancient greece, 30 year old men would hold their 15 year old boyfriends in higher esteem than their 13 year old wives. Marriage is not a consistant feature of human society, it has not always been a "one man, one woman" institution.

The one thing marriage has always been is religious. People get married in churches, thier church establishes rules for who can marry who. The idea of marriage conferring certain legal rights and status is a recent development, only beginning in the late 1700s. Since marriage has always been religious, is it correct for government to get involved in who can and who can't get married? I support getting the government out of the marriage license business all together. The government should instead issue a civil union to any pair of individuals over the age of 18 and consenting. This civil union would grant all the tax, property, and healthcare rights currently associated with marriage. Then, if a couple wants to be called married, they can go and find a church willing to do it. If a church was willing to marry a man to a banana, then let them. Just don't give them a civil union.

Therefore, I feel that gays have the right to get married, in a church willing to do it, and should get all the rights of a married couple through a civil union. There are too many physical traits like hair whorls, finger lengths, and the proportion of limb to torso size that are all correlated to homosexuality to make being gay a choice. You can't choose which way your hair grows, afterall. This fact puts sexual orientation in the same classification as race or disability, it's just something your born with, and therefore should not be discriminated against.

And besides, who would want to stop two hot russian supermodel lesbians from marrying each other.


Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 7 months ago

SumoDeUno STFU. I could change me DNA to that of a watermelon but I'd still be Human until I started producing new cells. Let alone re-writing my entire brain.

Omicron: You Bible-bashing asshole. You can't choose who your attracted too, only if you act on those urges.

OL 17 years, 7 months ago


Do gay animals choose to be gay? Oh wait yea, the devil made the animals gay in order to tempt us humans right?

shawn 17 years, 7 months ago

I don't want to sound like some prejudiced piece of shit, but I can't take gay people. Just the thought makes me want to keep a knife on me. A really big knife.

shawn 17 years, 7 months ago

I'm saying we should go for genocide. I just..

Eghh. You guys fight it out.

Juju 17 years, 7 months ago

The bible says to stone to death the gays… the bible was written by people that talked to god… seems like the bible was written by schizophrenics back in the olden days.
Or maybe the Old Testament and the New Testament could be taken in context of their writing. It opens up a can of worms that the entire Bible can be doubted, but we have to remember it was written as a guide to life and not a concrete "do this, do that" manual. If you call yourself a Christian, you should be putting far more emphasis on the New Testament and the overall "Love Thy Neighbour" message. If you want to follow the Old Testament to the letter, go find a Synagogue and talk to the Rabbi.

The ignorant & stupid just talk alot of shit because they are uncertain of there own sexuality.
I don't know where you got that from, because it sounds a lot like sexual frustration… Oh look! Another leap of logic, a statement with no factual basis other than opinion! So shut the fuck up.

What homosexuals need is a psychologist
Hmm, I don't know whether you intended it, but it sounds like you're treating homosexuality as an "illness of the mind." Interestingly, until recently the World Health Organisation classified homosexuality as a psychological disease, it was revoked in the 80s some time.

If they are actually gay, they can go be gay somewhere, just not around me please.
The same applies to heterosexual couples, I'd rather not be forced to watch you stick your tongue down a girl's throat.

Also, I find it funny how everyone hates the thought of gay guys, yet "hot girl on girl action" is perfectly okay in many male minds.
Looking at dicks is a turn-off for many men because we're "programmed" (by a higher being or the media doesn't matter) to believe that pussy is where it's at. Thus, a higher concentration of pussy per person suggests that we should like it more.

Cesar 17 years, 7 months ago

I say you've made a great point, Shork, congrats!

shawn 17 years, 7 months ago

FUCK! IN my last comment I meant to say

I'm saying we should go for genocide. I just..

I meant not go for genocide. My bad. And why are there so many bi's here?

omicron1 17 years, 7 months ago

->A lot of people, including OL and ghg:

1. You are completely ignoring the evidence I presented; I can only assume you can't answer it. So, tell me if you can: If homosexuality is an involuntary condition, how come people renounce that lifestyle? Surely if it were "known" to them, as you claim, they would not abandon it like that?

2. You might as well say that a burglar "knows" he should have that shiny new car; therefore, we should let him have it, because it's obviously his destiny to own it…

3. A lot of your argument is based on "knowing" something - one of the most pathetic, vapid forms of "proof" known to mankind. What it is is basically relabeling a temptation to do things - a desire fueled by sin - as something natural. Using personal "knowing" as proof of rightness that way is like saying that two plus two is five, because the little boy KNEW it was.

4. homosexual animals? Hah. You know, I have a dog that chases other dogs and has almost killed several… does that mean that she's a dog-killer by nature? OR (as is far, far more likely) is it something she's learned to do?

5. There are a lot of people today who would like this to be another racial issue. They want something to fight for; some prejudice to correct. To those people I say: Look elsewhere. Maybe you should start supporting psychopaths next?

Shork 17 years, 7 months ago

GHG, you're wrong about turning your DNA into watermelon DNA. If you did that, you'd start making watermelon proteins immediatly, long before any of your cells had to divide. You'd probably die because you wouldn't have the chloroplasts plant cells need, and plant cells control osmolarity by modifying hydrogen concentration, while animal cells modify sodium ion concentration. But who knows, it might work. Try it.

And omicron, not only are there gay animals, but male fruit flies carrying 2 copies a certain gene, try to mate exclusivly with other male flies. Homosexual sex between dust mites is so common, that many males are born with sperm storage organs normally used by females. And I saw one female cow mount another female cow on my farm, but that may have been behavior meant to show social dominance.

SleepinJohnnyFish 17 years, 7 months ago

I just want to jump in here and remind everyone that omicron1 is a complete fool (I proved this long ago), and all of his assumptions (which he pretends are facts) are based on a heavy religious teaching that didn't factor in common logic. That isn't to say I am not a Christian, but unlike him… I'm not an incompetent one.

To keep this blog going, I figure I might include my stance:

1) Homosexuality is inherently a choice, and studies conducted can "prove" either side of the argument… so they're pretty much useless in this day and age. There are plenty of studies and experiments that have 'proven' both cases with evidence, and there is no telling which was factual and which was biased.

2) Homosexual marriage should not be allowed in a Christian church, as Christianity clearly defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman… but it should be kept in mind that at the time the Bible was written, the religion had a risk of being overrun by others if it did not take a stance that would ensure the maximum amount of followers. Since it was written by humans (with, by Christian beliefs, God's hand guiding them) it is fully possible that the rules may have changed a bit, as they do from Old Testament to New Testament in many ways.

3) The government should not base any tax or reward on marriage, but civil unions, and civil unions should be held separate from marriage in every way. Any two people should be able to be bound in civil union, but restraints should be put in place to deter people from forming unions with friends solely for government benefits.

4) As far as homosexuals go, I don't care and I don't hate you for your sexual orientation. I hate you for the same reason I hate most Christians (note: I am one), Atheists, African Americans, and just about everyone else…. Because you rub your god damn lifestyle in my face when I don't give a shit. If you're gay, fine… but I shouldn't be able to tell just by looking at you… wearing certain things, speaking certain ways, and acting like an idiot is COMPLETELY A CHOICE THAT YOU MAKE CONSCIOUSLY and if you choose to make a mockery out of common decency by pretending that your way is better than mine, then yes I hate you… not because you're gay but because you're an idiot.