Great /B/irthday Raid!

Posted by Shork on Oct. 8, 2007, 12:33 a.m.

I have this friend from high school and college who needs to chill. He's pre-med, and because he's white, he's convinced that he'll never get into med school becuase minorities will get all the spots due to affirmative action.

He studies all the time, asking classmates to "quiz him" over material. He's at the college about 12 hours a day, even though he doesn't that many hours in classes. He eats canned tuna and pears for lunch every day. I know. Weird.

Back in high school, me and my friends made a comic book about his exploits. We put it on facebook under the group named Battle of Hastings becuase he was obsessed with it.

To understand some of the humor, he was heavily into weight lifting, always carried a bunch of books, never used a locker, kept his retainer in a plastic box in his back pocket, carried a hundred pens and pencils, and was socially akward.

He is a perpetual lulz generator. He keeps saying stupid shit that can easily be taken out of context. For example, at a quiz bowl match, a friend and I were discussing Jack the Ripper, and how he killed a prostitute and mailed her kidneys to the police. The akward person interupted and said he'd have no problem with it becuase "prostitutes aren't people."

And yeah, when you google his name, this is the first link.

So anyway, we tried pranking him at my birthday party last week by telling the applebee's staff it was his birthday. He never showed up. He stepped into a world of hurt.

To up the ante, I have decided to emulate the Great Habbo Raid of July 2006. I'm combining the powers of /b/, YTMND, ED, myg0t, and BT to keep his phone running all day long. At least that's wnat I'm gonna try to do.

Not sure if the mods would let me post the picture here, it's clean, but it has his phone number, and that might be controversial. If I get a special dispensation, I'll post it.

Come on, do it for the lulz!

EDIT: Well this blog is off the front page and won't get as much attention, and therefore less flak. So here is the picture:(mods may remove if they wish)


Rob 17 years, 3 months ago

What the hell is /B/? Its /b/, newfag.

Shork 17 years, 3 months ago

I'll capatolize what I want, when I want!

What you gonna do about it? Make /B/ raid my profile here?


Rob 17 years, 3 months ago

That would just get you hits, and comments, lol.

[deleted user] 17 years, 3 months ago

You do know that you've put your hotmail, gmail and myspace details on here. I'd watch what I say.

Evilish 17 years, 3 months ago

especially considering rob has already posted someones 64D details on /b/ before…

this is your war, /b/ is your militia

Leyenda 17 years, 3 months ago

wow, the poor guy's obviosly got problems with inferiority complex or something. So why are you trying to hurt him more? I didnt see anything in your post about how he hurt you.

Im sorry, but you just seem like a bully, picking on the weakest person. what's the point of all this?

Shork 17 years, 3 months ago

btw, >6000 hits…

You haven't seen him. He's not the weakest person. But I still don't have the special dispensation to post the picture. I'm pretty sure he could crush your skull with his little finger.

Shork 17 years, 3 months ago

And BTW Evilish, I've taken that into account and have prepared for that possibility.

/b/ is my personal army. If I can meet the qualifications for a raid…

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 3 months ago

Doesn't the first rule on 4chan say not to mention it (ala fightclub)? Of course I've never seen that film or gone to 4chan so such rules don't apply to me.

Shork 17 years, 3 months ago

I obey rule 33.