Howdy Ho, Fier und Sechzig digitz!

Posted by Shork on Oct. 29, 2007, 12:20 a.m.

It's been a while since I've blogged. Been busy with school. Physical Chemistry has been my hardest class and I'm getting an A… so far. The lab reports are insane, and we never to get our grades on them, only the final grade when we're done. Calc III is extremely easy, I'm getting an A and missing one class period per week.

Next semester is not looking so good. I have to take Molecular Biology, Physical Chemistry 2, Instrumental Methods, and Diff. Eq. They are all at the same time.

On the Game Maker front, my Simple Iso Map Maker has over 100 downloads. I really want to work on it some more, but I have no time. I can't figure out how to fix the perfomance issues either. It was too slow, so I moved a lot of stuff out of the step events. Now it just doesn't work right. Random freeze ups suck. If they weren't random, I could debug it, but I can't find a pattern to it.

I have also decided to learn Python. I figure I'm gonna get a Linux system when I get my new computer, and Python runs on Linux, Windows, Apple, etc just fine. If I get good at it, I might be able to use it instead of Game Maker

Oh yeah, the BBC just reported about a 405 year old clam. Its shell is over 8 inches thick. Or centemeters, I can never tell with these Brits. The clam was perfectly healthy, no cancers, no diseases, good muscle strength. But when they went to count the rings to determine the age, they killed it. Way to go guys.


flashback 17 years, 2 months ago

Python is win.

Rob 17 years, 2 months ago


Mat 17 years, 2 months ago

Its vier not fier

Shork 17 years, 2 months ago