Ich habe eine fraulien-fruenden.

Posted by Shork on Dec. 2, 2007, 3:10 a.m.

My girlfriend and went to the symphony tonight.

Then we made out for three hours. And it was awesome.

Short blog….

I also screwed up a p-chem test.The first question was to write the wave equations for the 4F orbital of a hydrogen, pretty easy. Then I had to derive the energy levels for a particle in a 1D box. Then I had to show that the 1S orbital of a hydrogen atom is normalized. There were a couple other easy problems, but then I had to show that absolute reactio rate theory reduced to collision theory. I never heard of absolute reaction rate theory, and I forgot collision theory.

That last question sucked ass. I wrote 4 and half pages of stuff I knew was wrong, just so I could make my professor check all that work.

I had an A in that class… we'll see about that now.

I also have to read a paper about fatty acid metabolism for biochem II. And a Calc III test over multiple integrations this Thursday. A presentation over dystopias in science fiction for my honors class. And then finals….

At least I'll get some time off this winter for more making out.

Also, I've heard some things.

I heard you like mudkips.


Dom 17 years, 1 month ago

hive five for the macking