I make poor games. It's official.

Posted by Shork on June 5, 2009, 4:59 p.m.

I logged in today to see a new badge on my profile. A little black X that says I make poor games. I already knew this. I pride myself on it. I made the banner that says "I make bad games" and have been using it ever since I found this site.

If you don't believe me that my games are poor, look at my games and examples here. They're not technically terrible, the programming is ok, I don't do things poorly simply because I don't know or don't care, but because I think it's funny. My writable chalkboard example is horrible, not because I did a bad job, but because I just put a picture of a chalkboard on a gray background, you click it, and a message box pops up. You type what you want and hit enter. Then it shows what you typed on the chalkboard. It's terrible. Then I described it as great.

Sometimes I have done some pretty cool stuff. For example, my Cannon Man game was a good concept, you play as a guy with a cannon, and in order to fly, you have to fire the cannon, forcing the player to balance movement with killing enemies. But school came up and I never developed it beyond the one level I submitted here. Another case was my isometric map engine. It made an isometric tile based map with support for multiple heights, decorations, holes, and even 90 degree rotations, something not even Square did with the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance games. I even made a simple to use map editor. But after I uploaded the working example, I made some "improvements", updated the files, and broke the game… I was too busy with school to go back and fix it, and now I don't remember what I did to make in the first place.

My Satellite Orbit Mimicker has ok programming, it works, but it really doesn't do much than run a few satellites around a planet using gravity calculations. I liked enough to do an independent research project last fall in the physics department at my college. I wrote a program simulating solar system formation from individual particles and presented the results at the Missouri Academy of Science this year, and got first place. I also finally took a computer class, Introduction to Java, and got the top grade, beating out all the comp. sci. majors. I wrote a progam in my bioinformatics class that takes genetic data and makes a picture mapping the genes out on DNA. That proves I am not a terrible programmer, and have the potential to make very good and useful programs. I just choose not to use it.

But if you want to see my worst games, don't look here, look up my Shork account on yoyogames. That's where I put some awful things. Such as AYB. It shows a series of message boxes with lines from Zero Wing. That's literally all it does. Or my Video Quigi game. It starts to get bad right away with the misspelling of ouija, and doesn't stop until it opens a portal to Hell into your home. Not to mention that I never use a real screen shot on YYG for any of my games, relying on completely unrelated pictures I just happened to have on my computer.

So I accept my little black X with pride, and give great thanks to the 64Digits community for finally recognizing my immense talent. I hope to bring you even trashier trash in the future!


noshenim 15 years, 8 months ago


KaBob799 15 years, 8 months ago

That badge is when all of your games with 5 or more votes are rated 3 or lower (or something like that). It's been around for a long time but it was including games with less than 5 votes.

It looks like only 1 of your 7 submissions has 5 or more votes o.o

shawn 15 years, 8 months ago

I didnt even know that badge existed

Cesar 15 years, 8 months ago



Shork 15 years, 8 months ago

yeah, my vote count on YYG has always been low too. My crappy games are hard to find amongst the sea of crappy games. My games are a good kind of crappy though…