I hate the new calc II prof.

Posted by Shork on Sept. 29, 2006, 11:55 p.m.

I took calc II last spring and got lucky. I had the class with the best professor in the math department. I learned a lot, I forgot most. The point is, I got an A. Some of friends are taking calc II now, (them is stoopid), with a new professor. A bald guy from Ireland. It's hard enough to understand what's he saying through his thick Irish accent, but it gets worse. The required book is $150 and he makes sure to never use it. Instead of doing homework, 40% of the grade comes from going up the board and doing problems in front of the class. Points can be stolen if others find errors in your math. He doesn't want the students to rely on the book or their notes, and skips over the basics so that he can discuss the math in a more theoritcal manner.

The students don't need to know the math in a theoritcal manner, since there are more chem majors in it than there are math majors! (American Chemical Society certification requires calc III) The few math majors in the class are sucking up all the points by finding other people's errors. This teaching method sucks total ass. I just hope he isn't teaching calc III, diff. eq., or discrete structures, because I still have to take those too.

The good thing is, I am friends with one of the math majors, so I can get help… and she's smokin' hot too. I know, a good looking math major, hard to come by. But I'm a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major who took ag and shop classes in high school, so I guess that's hard to come by too.


blueBX 18 years, 3 months ago

Im lucky. I have Geometry. Im taking calc.I when im in 11th grade.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 3 months ago


Shork 18 years, 3 months ago

My school didn't offer calc. Our most advanced math class was pre-calc. I took every math class offered, excepet remedial math, but I was placed in the basic algebra class my freshman year. After a month of that, I got my history teacher/quiz bowl coach to get the councelors to change me to the advanced math becuase I was in a class full of tards. And geometry really helps in shop.

blueBX 18 years, 3 months ago

What I meant to say was pre-calc.

Shork 18 years, 3 months ago

I wouldn't be surprised if you meant calc. My school sucked.

Takagi 18 years, 3 months ago

Ah…. I took AP Calc last year and got a 5 on that AP test.

I also had to learn a bit more of Calc II during some summer course… so now I know improper integrals (integrating from zero to infinity), integration by parts, and how to find the surface area of a revolution…

That teaching method seems stupid.

flashback 18 years, 3 months ago

I'm taking AP Pre-calc and Calc (Math 31AP and 35AP) in grade 12. My objective is to not have to do that much calc in university - though I might just go to IAOD…

Arcalyth 18 years, 3 months ago

I'm in Basic Algebra as a high school freshman.

The same ciriboting class I took in the first part of 7th grade. Then we moved and I had to start going to this shitty school system instead of one of the best in the state.

The school I used to go to got about $13,000 per student on count days, while this one gets about $5,000 per student.

I liked my old one better. They gave us laptops =(

Shork 18 years, 3 months ago

gave you laptops??? I was lucky to get the round piece off a wire rope spool so that I could make an invincible table in wood shop.