Randomness #2
0101010001101000011000010111010000100000011100000110100101101101011100000010000001110011011001010110110001100110001011010110010001100101011100110111010001110010011101010110001101110100011001010110010000100000011010010110111000100000011000010010000001110110011000010110111000100000011001000110111101110111011011100010000001100010011110010010000001110100011010000110010100100000011100100110100101110110011001010111001000101110This morning I just looked up some random stuff, guess what it was!?Illusions!Check them out, I think that they are pretty sweet.Picture #1: Not really an illusion, but pretty cool and confusing.Picutre #2: Pretty sweet huh? The …Randomness
00011000010110110001100110001011010110001001100001011010110110010101100100001000000110010001101111011011000111000001101000011010010110111000100000011000010110111001100100001000000111010001101000011000010111010000100000011001110111010101111001001000000110001101101111011101010110110001100100001000000110010101110011011000110110000101110000011001010010000001100110011100100110111101101101001000000111010001101000011000010111010000100000011101000110000101100010011011000110010100101110That is completely random, but what is funny, it means something in binary code.Something cool is that in school classes don't start until 10:30 (Schweet).I also have to do this thing for the school …Blogged Out + Freaked Out
I am blogged out, was freaked out, and GM out.
I don't have anything to blog about, except that next week school doesn't start until 10:30 and ends at 2:50 because of 11th grade WKCE testing. At least I'm not in 11th grade.I was freaked out when I saw …Help with GML
Yeah I need help bad. I am making this Element game for extra credit at school but it doesn't seem to work. Please check it and see what is wrong with it. Link
It is a gm6 file. I think that every thing works right on it, but I can't …Stuff (evidently)
To start this blog off here are some…
Ways to Annoy People -Light road flares on a birthday cake. -Wander around a restaurant, asking other diners for their parsley. -When Christmas caroling, sing "Jingle Bells, Batman smells" until physically restrained. -Stand over someone's shoulder, mumbling, as they read. -Pretend your …Queue Line + Mod Tip
Yeah this queue line for the games is getting really long. My Ellipse Demo I just submited is 55th. Some lazy mods should look them over. (A tip for the mods: I think that lots of users would like to be a mod so the stuff could come through faster) …
Confusion of GML (rgb)
Yes I am confused, I can't seem to get down the rgb crap in GML and I don't get it. If you could help me out. I'd post it in the forums but seeing as they're down I have to blog about my troubles.
What I'm aiming for is that …Ipod vs PSP
I was thinking of getting a larger memory card for my PSP, a 4Gb Flash stick - $120, but then I relized I could get a 30Gb Ipod for $179. The reason I want is a bigger memory card is so I can use video. So I searched and found …
Motivation =(
My game I'm working on has utterly evolved from nothingness to what ever nothingness + 1 would be (basic player movement).
Oh, out of pure randomness, at school some girl said (this was random), "If you put peanut butter on someone's stomach, put a burning candly in it, then put …