60% Suck

Posted by Siert on Jan. 16, 2007, 7:39 p.m.

Once again, a large amount of freakishly noobish games have invaded 64Digits front page, at my last count 60% suck. My definition of sucking is 6/10 or less, that would work out to be a D in school. Who has been accepting these escessivly stupid and idiotic games? Ripped graphics, wrecked games, aweful gameplay, and just stupidness taken to the highest level. To highlight my point, is the point of this community to be showcase for users to display their work? Their work should at least get a passing grade, not an D. People come here, see this awesome site, check out the games, and then die. To show you what I mean by freakishly noobish read my reviews I have posted here, this provides youo with entertainment and I am also saving your life so you don't have to try them, you can thank me later.

LTCBBQ (3rd Demo Release): By: Lorenzo_The_Comic

My Original Comment Was Deleted

Quote: Siert
It. Sucks.


PWNing Comments

Quote: kevboh

As an official representative of the twisterghost estate, I can fully support the notion that this demo is a little unsettling. First, the bbq sprite that floats around my character harks back to ocarina of time's irritating Navi, and I spent the majority of the game trying to get it stuck on something.

And I succeeded.

I raced a polar bear, which I suppose is acceptable in most Inuit cultures, but for someone who lives in suburbia, for someone who in fact LIVES ON THE SUPPOSED LOCATION OF THIS GAME, WHO CAN SEE THE BACKYARD FROM THIS VERY SEAT, it is a little terrifying. I cannot see a polar bear; I cannot even see a cat. Nor can I see a flying bbq sprite that practically rapes my character at every turn.

Let's see; ah yes, I heartily enjoyed waiting for the text to finish displaying on those speech bubbles. It was really convienient; in the time it took for a speech to finish, I cured the common cold, which is doubly convienient, seeing as I caught several RACING A GODDAMN POLAR BEAR.

Quote: foslock
I think the brilliance of the BBQ's is kinda destroyed here… sorry.

Copper's Strange Adventure: By: Mitu123

Quote: Siert
That was horrible, just horrible.

Who accepted this? What happend to, "We're raising our standards."

Just horrible, I can believe the son of a noob Lorenzo_The_Comic rated it 10/10


PWNing Comments

Quote: JakeX


NOTEPAD has better gameplay. FREAKING NOTEPAD.

Oh, yeah, deleted Lorenzo's misguided vote for being obviously biased.

Chips challenge: By: GameMaster

Oh I'm just skipping this one.

Dodging Random Stolen Images: By: cranegames

Quote: Siert
This game deserves the one and only word that can describe games such as these that lack, well, everything. Clearly the creator of this game was on crack, or, was lacking a mind during the creation of the work of junk. As for the one word that fits the review of this game perfectly;



putt-putt[UpdatedV.6]: By: drhowell440

Just, crap

And, for the newest member of the Multiple Account Aweful Gamemaking Pathetic User Noob Club: Lorenzo_The_Comic!!


Theodore III 18 years ago


Cesar 18 years ago


Rez 18 years ago

I didn't accept those games and I don't think I would have but it helps not to blame the staff anyway. After all, we're just giving newbies a chance, not the spotlight.

Theodore III 18 years ago

Um 60%? you have 5 games on the list, and there are 10 on the front page

kevboh 18 years ago

I accepted those games, because if I reject them and say what I always do- polish, improve, etc.- they just come resubmitted and changed, but still shitty. If I accept one or two, they get criticism and can see what they need to improve, and get a healthy dose of flaming.

Deal with it or ignore it, either way it's not a huge deal.

Cesar 18 years ago

then don't put it on the front page >_>

Graydon 18 years ago

It's fun to have a flame war with noobs without getting warns though.

Candra Software 18 years ago

You can find my fan game at the Forum.

Candra Software 18 years ago

It seems that you haven't played the 4th Demo Release. You can find it at the Forum.

tylerthemiler 17 years, 11 months ago

Thank the Maker Lorenzo got banned. I hope its permanent.