First of all… 10K!
So my question is whats wrong with this php script?
Quote: highscore.php
<?phpif(isset($_GET["n"]) && isset($_GET["s"]) && isset($_GET["p"])) { $file = file("scores.txt"); $higher = 0; for($f = 0; $f < count($file); $f++) { $row = explode("[)><(]",$file[$f]); $name[] = $row[0]; $score[] = $row[1]; if ($name[$f] == $_GET["n"] && $score[$f]-1+1 <= $_GET["s"]-1+1) $higher = 1; } $rfile = fopen("scorec.txt","w"); $put = 1; for($a = 0; $a < count($file); $a++) { if($score[$a]-1+1 <= $_GET["s"]-1+1 && $put == 1) { $row_add = $_GET["n"]."[(><)]".$_GET["s"]."\n"; fwrite($rfile,$row_add); $put = 0; } if($name[$a] != $_GET["n"] || $higher == 0) { $row_add = $name[$a]."[(><)]".$score[$a]; fwrite($rfile,$row_add); } if($name[$a] == $_GET["n"]) $put = 0; } }?>
Quote: scores.txt
Quote: scorec.txt
I was wondering why you there wasn't any updates on coloraze.
Well I want to, but I really can't proceed and try to implement these features later. I would if I could, trust me.
Sadly my revised completion date is today…$row = explode("[)><(]",$file[$f]);
Don't know if this is the problem or not, but maybe this is supposed to be:$row = explode("[(><)]",$file[$f]);Unless of course "[)><(]" signifies an explosion.OMG!, I think thats it!
Did that fix the problem?
Yes, thank you.
It worked before, I wonder how I messed it up?Yay!
Are you going to fancy it up already?