If any of you noticed my recent comments on Stained Glass's blog, I told him to make a PixelGrid website. I then told him that I was going to make one if he wasn't. So I made one.
I put all of the PixelGrids, starting at 1 and going to the recent number 20. A few of the links might be dead, tell me if you find them.
In other news, school rocks (sweet teacher and friends in classed, not actual school). I am also thinking about entering the next YoYoGames Competition. Apparently it's a Green Earth theme, so yeah.
Coloraze has been on dev hold for awhile. I have almost everything done but still need RawrSpoon and Kenon to give me feedback on the betas.
Have Fun!
EDIT: PixelGrid is now complete, no misplaced lines, a homepage, and all pngs! Bookmark it again!
You sent me a beta?
By PM or what?SuperGrid may be a good idea in theory, but not for most of our connections.
hel, google chrome runs it fine :D
*my connection
via PM.If I ever need a website made then I think I know who I'll go to.
But I'm still not seeing anything by me there you fucker.That is so awesome… Bookmarked. I always check his blog for the PixelGrids. Now the ones I liked are all in one place. :)
awesome pics and GUI