Free Goodies!

Posted by Siert on March 25, 2011, 6:57 p.m.

If you were expecting cookies or cake, my apologies, I'm fresh out.

So, much has happened in my life since I've last been here, but obviously nobody clicked this link to hear irrelevant stories. So I must quickly say what I have to say before you people lose interest.

First, I still love Coloraze. And while I would rather try to program it in something other the Game Maker, I still don't know any other languages well enough to make graphical graphics. So I've started again. Included is a text file so that you can edit the physics how ever you want.

Now my main hope of this blog is to get criticism about what I have so far, so please don't get to distracted by your other free goodies.

oh yes, arrows to move, s for scale, f for fullscreen

Second, I've fixed three of my older games so that the online highscores now work again, and they're on a different server now so that should help. So please, enjoy these goodies again.

Last is a project that has been fully underway for the last month and a half. It's goal, to document the odd questions posed by my friend and roommate, Oliver.

And those are my goodies for you!


Alert Games 13 years, 10 months ago

I think coloraze could be vastly improved. Better resolution, more levels, maybe interesting backgrounds? Effects. More objects. Stuff to make it different than before.

Also, Hi.

JuurianChi 13 years, 10 months ago

I get to play this at last.

More objects would be cool.

Siert 13 years, 10 months ago

Well at the moments I've only been working on the physics, more objects are a guarantee.

@Alert Games

I would love your suggestions.

-For better resolution, do you mean more detail in the objects? I can't draw, so while I love the idea, someone else would probably have to help me. (anyone want to help?) I was also thinking about making the graphics interchangeable by the user.

-More levels for sure. This is one of the main goals for me, while I know I'm not good at level design, I've met someone in school that I know would love to help me. And, lets not forget that user levels is a key to this project.

-For backgrounds, I agree that one would be nice, but I've never figured out what would look nice without being distracting.

-Effects for what exactly?

-Object ideas?

-Different stuff ideas?

-Also, what do you think of the bouncy physics? Sometimes it doesn't work the way I want it to because the character is mid bounce.