Ipod vs PSP

Posted by Siert on Sept. 27, 2006, 4:04 p.m.

I was thinking of getting a larger memory card for my PSP, a 4Gb Flash stick - $120, but then I relized I could get a 30Gb Ipod for $179. The reason I want is a bigger memory card is so I can use video. So I searched and found some reviews on it. Exactly what I wanted Ipod vs PSP video. If you could, read the review that I wrote and say what you think would win. I do have a PSP, but I think an Ipod would be better, I have enough money for any of them.

IPod vs PSP (video)

Battery life:

- 30Gb Ipod- 3.5 hours

- 60Gb Ipod- 4.5 hours

- PSP- 7 hours

*Winner: PSP*


- 30Gb Ipod- $179

- 60Gb Ipod- $220

- PSP- $370 (PSP + 4Gb flash card)

- PSP 4Gb flash card only- $120

*Winner: 30Gb Ipod*

Video Resolution:

- 30Gb Ipod- 320 by 240

- 60Gb Ipod- 320 by 240

- PSP- 480 by 272 (possible dead pixels)

*Winner: PSP*

Video Storage:

- 30Gb Ipod- 75 hours

- 60Gb Ipod- 150 hours

- PSP 4Gb- 1-2 hours

*Winner: 60Gb Ipod*

Video Sound:

- 30Gb Ipod- exellent

- 60Gb Ipod- exellent

- PSP- very good

*Winner: 30Gb Ipod and 60Gb*

Video Apperance:

- 30Gb Ipod- small but crisp

- 60Gb Ipod- small but crisp

- PSP- large but not as crisp

*Winner: All*

Total Scores:

30Gb Ipod- 3

60Gb Ipod- 4

PSP- 2

My Winner:

60Gb Ipod

Whats Your Winner?


Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago


Josea 18 years, 4 months ago

Why? My Ipod has broken 6 times. I went to the Apple store the first 3 times, and each time they gave me wrong instructions. I fixed it myself easily the other 3 times.
XD, lol

That is because they expect you think your ipod is unfixable to make you buy another one =D

foslock 18 years, 4 months ago

Ipodlinux is definitially work exploring, I got almost every gameboy game I owned working. Too bad it's only supported for old ipods…


Get an iPod, PSP's are a waste of your time.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 4 months ago

Quote: melee-master
Pfft. They both suck ass. Get a Creative.

aeron 18 years, 4 months ago

PSP's are a waste of your time.
Only if you can't run homebrew. I've got 4 gameboy advance games, 6 snes games, 17 NES games, and a PC emulator running doom and commander keen. I'm never bored. But for media, yeah they are.

Firebird 18 years, 4 months ago

You can't really compare them.

PSP. Simply because with the right equipment, you can get it to play SNES games. And everything else you can stick on a memory stick. Now, if you want it just for video, well, go get a video player.
So… install Linux on the iPod and you can stuck emulators on it.

shadowstrike32 18 years, 4 months ago

You know, i just carry my laptop around. It can play video. It has 120 gigs of space. it can play music. I play high-end 3d games on it. its pwns all.

mixahman 18 years, 4 months ago

ipods are meant for music… not video. psp is for games and other crap to keep you satisfied before the next “workingâ€? version comes out, the dumbest idea in portable video must be UMD‘s…

look at the nintendos gameboy & ds.. how many fucking versions does this world need! Plus u can get a 4gig hd for the lite version too!

melee-master 18 years, 4 months ago


Can't wait till iPods get web browsers (not announced, just they should so Microsoft's so-called "iPod Killer" will not be as much competition)

The mere fact that the Zune can share music wirelessly with other Zune'rs completely obliterates the ipod.

Firebird 18 years, 4 months ago

I vote for SS32 on this one.