I think I'm pregnant.

Posted by SilverCyan on Feb. 1, 2006, 11:56 a.m.

Well, it made you look didn't it? I'm not pregnant, yet =o.

Anyway, so yes, I haven't posted in a while, 64d has no forums, so I stopped going for a while >_>. Get 'em up please FSX and canad.

Right, I'm as my site's currently dead, my blog is down, my forums, members and coders have gone somewhere, so I can't do anything about the site for a while. Yeah, so, as I am stray from my webmasterin', I turned to learn Flash. Nifty thing, ye ol' flash, very sexy. I just got the hang of the basics of 'Tweening' when I decided to make a movie. A bit fast I know, but yes, that's me. For 4 hours last night I attempted to make a movie. Failed. Badly. In conclusion I'd say to myself "Kenny, never take up flash again, ok?", I'm sad enough to actually listen to myself, and i'm sure not to ever again, as am I with flash, never again.

So people, tell me, WUZZUP? I mean.. Everything seems so BORING. Nothing's happenning, ever! Every site I ever went to is dead; DG, DE, HKG, CG and 64, with no forums. No wait, WAIT. Is it me? Am I missing the link? Because I see people online, posting an entry? Posting on the INVISIBLE forums? No tell me, please do.

RIGHT, so, Yeah, um, wut? Somebody help, I'm bored -____________________- I want my SITE UP NOW!


Alpha Man 19 years ago

I have a suggestion : Wait until I can come up with a good suggestion.

Alpha Man 19 years ago

A good suggestion : Tell me your AIM SN.

tjg92 19 years ago

That's a bad suggestion :O

Alpha Man 19 years ago

Thats a TERRIFIC suggestion!

Alpha Man 19 years ago


SleepinJohnnyFish 19 years ago

Taking up something, learning the elementary basics, then trying to do something huge beyond your power…. then giving up forever because you failed.

Yeah, that sums up every noob on GMC… I really hope you're a better GM user than flash user.

Alpha Man 19 years ago

Taking up something, learning the elementary basics, then trying to do something huge beyond your power…. then giving up forever because you failed.

Yeah, that sums up every noob on GMC…

You forgot about the part where they ask everyone to do everything for them.

Kaz 19 years ago

Yea, like me.