Making Some Noise

Posted by SkidRunner on Oct. 16, 2013, 11:57 a.m.

So it has been some time since I have created a post on 64D but I am back. Last night I decided that I wanted to start creating a world that I have never seen, dreamt or even thought about. I want to create a game from this world that also I did not design. This sounds a lot harder in concept then it really is. The first thing that came to mind is that to have a game world you need some ground to walk on which isn’t that hard to do using Perlin Noise I should be able to create variations in the terrain to my liking. So I needed to get a basic understanding of how Perlin Noise works.

Subdivide the height map into x chunks generate a random number from 0.0 to 1.0 for each creating a new height map (Keep doing this until your chunks are the size of a pixel). Stack the images together by finding the average value across all images for each pixel. Blur the stacked image height map values until there is a smooth transition between each value on the height map. Expand all values on the height map so the lowest value is 0.0 and the highest value is 1.0.

So in a nut shell my process is:

1. Subdivide

2. Stack

3. Smooth

4. Expand

This is just sudo code my cross of VB and Crap[:)]

Width = 256
Height = 256
Scale = 2
NoiseImages() As Image

'Create noise layers
For Each Image In NoiseImages
    RecWidth = Width / Scale
    RecHeight = Height / Scale
    For X = 0 To Scale
        For Y = 0 To Scale
            RecX = X * RecWidth
            RecY = Y * RecHeight
            Image.DrawRectangle(RecX, RecY, RecWidth, RecHeight, Random)
    Image = CreateNoise(Width, Height, Scale)
    Scale = Scale * 2

'Create a average value noise map
For X = 0 To Width
    For Y = 0 To Height
        Value = 0
        Count = 0
        For Each Image In NoiseImages
            Value = Value + Image.GetPixcle(X, Y)
            Count = Count + 1
        LayeredNoiseImage.SetPixcel(X, Y, Value / Count)

'Get the min and max of the average value noise map
MaxValue = 0
MinValue = 1
For X = 0 To Width
    For Y = 0 To Height
        Value = LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X, Y)
        If Value > MaxValue Then MaxValue = Value
        If Value < MinValue Then MinValue = Value

'Set the average value noise map to extend from min to max
For X = 0 To Width
    For Y = 0 To Height
        Value = LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X, Y)
        Value = (Value - MinValue) * (1 / (MaxValue - MinValue))
        LayeredNoiseImage.SetPixcel(X, Y, Value)

'Create a smooth value noise map
For Count = 0 To 16
    For X = 0 To Width
        For Y = 0 To Height
            Value = LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X, Y)
            Value = Value + LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X - 1, Y)
            Value = Value + LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X + 1, Y)
            Value = Value + LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X, Y - 1)
            Value = Value + LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X, Y + 1)
            'North West
            Value = Value + LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X - 1, Y - 1)
            'North East
            Value = Value + LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X - 1, Y + 1)
            'South West
            Value = Value + LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X + 1, Y - 1)
            'South East
            Value = Value + LayeredNoiseImage.GetPixcle(X + 1, Y + 1)
            smoothNoiseImage.SetPixcel(X, Y, Value / 9)

The final result is a nice set of images

After working through all this I noticed that the end results still aren’t exactly what I was looking for I don’t want to run around a hilly terrain I want mountains and rivers so I will create some variations of my noise generator and see if I can create something nicer


JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago

For some reason, this makes me think about Fallout New Vegas.

F1ak3r 11 years, 4 months ago

Those VB titlecase keywords make me uncomfortable.

SkidRunner 11 years, 4 months ago

Quote: F1ak3r
Those VB titlecase keywords make me uncomfortable.
VB is so verbose that the only purpose for it in my opinion is sudo code… at least I didn’t wright my sudo code in COBOL. If title case makes you uncomfortable full caps might have given you a heart attack… [;)]

I am just messing with you the application is written in Java so I know your feeling.

Alert Games 11 years, 4 months ago

full caps might have given you a heart attack…
FULL CAPS??? Reminds me of the old days of HTML 4…. *shivers*

JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago


Moikle 11 years, 4 months ago

I love perlin noise so much

you should use bilinear/trilinear imterpolation on those noise octaves before you merge them together