Thinking too Much
I find myself thinking too much and never getting anything done. I have far too many ideas and if I don't find a way to focus on one then I am left with nothing. I want to make a speech recognition game, I never finished because of asset creation and story line. I want to make an artificial life simulation, I never finished because I didn't what to make or learn a physics engine. I want to make a rhythm based dodging game, I never finished because of asset creation and level generation. In my speech recognition game you can click a button and say a command and the game will respond. In my artificial life simulation there is a genetic algorithm and neural networks but the environment relies on simple collisions. In my rhythm game I have collision, dodging, and even a onset detection algorithm that works with 8-bit and 16-bit ogg and wav format audio files. When I look at these three projects I am stumped why I don't finish I tacked some verry large hurdles. The tasks left are verry small in comparison I even started drawing if you remember to see if I could get myself to create those assets. Nothing ever came from it the projects are still collecting dust. So to solve this issue here is my plan. I need to start at the top with the speech recognition game and create a story line. So I need to learn how to write a story. I found that my issue is probably that I try to writhe the final draft the first time. It's kind of a bummer to me because I already know this when it come to drawing I bet that is my issue with creating game assets too. Another issue is I make excuses for myself like I don't have enough time. I know as soon as I say it there was time there it might not have been all a row but there has to be a way I could have captured those minutes and used them constructively. Another one is that I constantly rewrite my code every project I start over from the beginning instead of cleaning up the code I have. All this said I will probably make the same mistakes again but at least I have this out there somewhere where I can reference it.