WIP Spriting program-help needed

Posted by Slammin Sam on June 2, 2009, 5:08 a.m.

Hey guys

I'm making a program that can design spaceships (and other stuff) really easily. To make this program easy to pick up and use I will need a pack of sprites to come with the program. You will be completely credited (in the program itself, with a link of your choice) for your sprites.

Doing this will speed up the time needed to make this program.

I need a pack of sprites or some single sprites, anything really. The ONLY guideline is that these images MUST be able to be made into something when put together with other sprites, E.g: (ship parts, Lego bits, house stuff, building parts, cars)

Please email these sprites to:


I'm also holding a competition to do with this.

For more information about this program and the sprite competition, please Click Here!


Whoever sends in a good enough sprite pack will gain special access into locked/extra parts of the program. These users will be the first to know about updates and other information.

Why not send some sprites? They don't need to be really professional either.

Here is a screenshot of the program so far: (please don't change it [;)])

Your help would be awesome.



SteveKB 15 years, 8 months ago

um no

frenchcon1 15 years, 8 months ago

i'm not sure how much response you'll get from this site :|

Acid 15 years, 8 months ago

I don't really see the point of a program that uses pre-made sprites to make sprites. Why not just sprite it yourself instead of having unoriginal sprites?

Slammin Sam 15 years, 8 months ago

Quote: Acid
I don't really see the point of a program that uses pre-made sprites to make sprites. Why not just sprite it yourself instead of having unoriginal sprites?

This program makes complete sense.

Answer this: What would be quicker? Drawing the above image in Game maker Sprite Editor or using only one pre-made sprite to do the whole thing in my program?

Think of it, Drawing a Lego house would take ages right? But with this, we can move the parts around, and edit them in all sorts of ways to make our sprites.

Just wait for the first version to come out.

ATTENTION: Anyone who is interested in signing up for special extras and features of this program (you will have a login) should PM me as soon as possible (limited places). PM for more info.