I am now officially puregames! Now if i could start purely working on my new project…(see my projects)
Also I started an account at Ogame, it's awesome. I am just starting out, and my user name is sleepysock. I have named my planet Potato because i had no idea what to name it. Im not doing too good because i havent really figured out what to do but i hope i can get the hang of it. Does anyone else have ogame, i know graydon does cuz he told me about itbut anyone else?My planet:Click!Me:Click!And killpill28 if your reading this, Graydon and I owned you in halo last night!OMFG 2 headed elephant!
Eh, I don't like peoples names being something-games.
I'd say purely is better.That was actually my original thought.
What you saying boy!?
I still think its true.At least it's not *nanme*-software or *name*-inc or something of the like
Who were you before? [:S]