I had a little snack the other day of cheese and crackers. It was lame so i decided to have some fun…
My tower:It broked:can you make i better tower? I think not!For my Invaders Revenge I designed a full 10 aliens and did some storyline adjustments. So now rather than fighting a defender you have to destroy the cities around the world (yes it will be a big game) and occasionally fight a defender.I will post my tilesets/spritesheets in my next blog for those anxious Invaders fanatics.
How DARE you lure me in here with the letter X?!
Cus you are jakeX
I ate a box of crackers once…the floor got really messy
I see you set your JakeX trap well. XD
Dang. The X was the only reason I came here. >=(
stacker crackers?