Why hello there 64D, it has been a while. You would think it would be easy to write a blog after such a long time… Well not so much, but i will do my best.
To sum things up i will make a list! =D-Christmas! YAY! Got Left 4 Dead and spent much time killing those zombies.-Finished semester 1 with a 84% average-Started semester 2, 11 Philosophy, 11U English, 11 Yearbook (ya i know), and 11U math (Functions).-Almost got convinced to get a tattoo saying "Slay Hoes" on my arm.-Made a zombie game (inspired by L4D) which i was planning on releasing today, but cant. I should probably use yoyo games or WHFF and post a link…I made a new avatar and banner, but, well, who hasn't tried to change theirs.Anyways, glad 64D is back up and hopefully the games will be available soon.[EDIT] Heres the game link: http://willhostforfood.com/?Action=download&fileid=61319