
Posted by Small Cows on Nov. 30, 2008, 9:20 a.m.

If school hasn't required you to read The Catcher in the Rye yet, do it. Nothing ruins a good book like plot summaries, character analysis, and symbolism essays.

I could have been Holden Caulfield. I guess my outlook is a little more optimistic, but the hatred of phoniness and of fake people is just the same. And then his relationship with Jane, her innocence… pretty much the exact same as my situation. That sickly feeling when some non-deserving guy goes on a date with her.

Well, it might be the best book I've ever read. I still like all of Vonnegut's stuff, and Grendel was pretty enlightening. I don't know, but definitely read it before the school assigns it.


F1ak3r 16 years, 2 months ago

I have a friend who read it, and rather disliked it. But then again, said friend only reads books for smut and violence, so taking literary advice from him probably isn't the best idea.

By the sounds of what he quoted though, the book does sound intriguing. What really caught my interest was Holden's desire to be a free lawyer, and not knowing whether it was out of kindness or out of a desire for people to see him as kind. Fascinating idea.

R 16 years, 2 months ago

As much as I hate over-analyzing literature A Separate Peace wouldn't have been half as interesting if we didn't speculate every single possibility of the book.

I'm taking your advice though.

s 16 years, 2 months ago

My mother read the book. I may see if she already has it

I read The Chrysalids a few years before they had us read it in class. It's nice to read a book twice every once in awhile

It was really silly though, G10 and the teacher was reading the book to us. So I just would show up to class having already read the book a second time and sit around doing nothing