The R4 is Fun!

Posted by SoberMilk on Aug. 23, 2008, 6:42 p.m.

Another pointless blog entry…

–The R4—

I got an R4 card for my DS a few days back. For those of you who don't know, the R4 is one of many DS flash cards. It basicly lets you use homebrew, emulators, play multimedia and run DS ROMs. It comes with a 1GB MicroSD for you to transfer your files, but I need a bigger one as I go on unsatiable download sprees. DSDooM and SNEmuLDS are my favourite homebrew apps probably. DSDooM is self-ecsplanitory, SNEmuLDS is a SNES emulator. It works excellently, so I can now play Super Metroid wherever I go!

Anyone here who has a DS should buy one of these. It will seriously be worth it, I assure you. You will never have to buy a DS game again as you can just emulate the DS ROMs you download. You may want to get the EZ 3-in-1 aswell. The EZ gives your DS extra RAM, so homebrew apps like Quake DS can be used. It also allows emulation of GBA ROMs and rumble.

The only letdown with the R4 is that it only supports up to 2GB MicroSDs. So don't buy above that. I'd also recomend the CycloDS and EDGE instead of the R4, but they all do the same stuff realy.


Ive also been playing on Condemned 2 again. Its fun, although the acheivments can be annoying to collect.

Ive been frequenting this site alot recently :

Its basicly a Sonic fangame convention. Some of the games are awful, but most are at least decent. There is a Mario fangame or two thrown in there also.

—The Best Song Ever—

It gets good about 30 seconds through. Sumo an I have memorised the words to this song. Thats right. ALL THE FUCKING WAY THROUGH.

Not to mention these :

Yes, we are THAT sad. Oh well. >_>

—Other Stuff—

I was off school last wednesday due to the Janitors and other staff being on strike. I'd only been back at school for 2 days and I was already excited about being off school. ^_^

Also, The Dark Night is the best thing in movie history. Ive been to see it twice and I already wanna see it again.






Cesar 16 years, 6 months ago

I've had an R4 for over a year and a CycloDS Evolution for the last four months.

Wonders what a 4 gig micro SD can do.

SteveKB 16 years, 6 months ago

hey don't be downloadin ROM that's illegal and developers need your money TO CONTINUE MAKING MORE.

but other stuff is good, I have a 2gb micro sd card playin quake ect.

Distortion 16 years, 6 months ago

I've got a 4 gb micro SD on my M3 card. It's half full with music. I recommend DSorganise (for the cool browser) and the Ipod clone as homebrew.

BTW did any of you get a dpg convertor working?

melee-master 16 years, 6 months ago

developers need your money TO CONTINUE MAKING MORE.

The DS is insanely popular. I'm sure the devlopers will be fine. And don't be fooled by silly laws.

SoberMilk 16 years, 6 months ago

@ Melee Master : ^_^

@ Distortion : Ive already got them! They are pretty cool.

Carnivac 16 years, 6 months ago

'Anyone here who has a DS should buy one of these. It will seriously be worth it, I assure you. You will never have to buy a DS game again as you can just emulate the DS ROMs you download.'

At least buy the ones you like. That's what I do with my pandora'd PSP Slim. I try the games first via download and I then pay for the actual UMD of any games I enjoyed and delete the ones I didn't. I tend to keep the downloaded iso file of the ones I do like anyways just cos it's very convienient having a version I can store on the PC hard drive and then put onto my memory stick amongst other games rather than just use up the UMD slot with one game. Is why I have Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, for example, on my 4gb memory stick (only takes up 96mb) which I play a lot and also have the UMD in the nice case still in the plastic wrap, on my shelf. It's what I do with music too. I buy the album to support them but I tend to just use the mp3's and keep the CD away untouched in mint condition.

Just saying don't buy the crap but pay for what you actually enjoy just to encourage more of the good stuff.

'It works excellently, so I can now play Super Metroid wherever I go!'

I do that too on my PSP and Super Metroid is still one of the greatest games ever made and a reminder of when I actually used to love Nintendo stuff. The Prime series just doesn't come close.

SoberMilk 16 years, 6 months ago

I have a question. Do DS internet browsers need extra RAM from a slot-2 card to run? And what about things like MSN clients on the DS? DO they need extra RAM also? Im going to buy the EZ 3-in-1 for the extra RAM if that is so.

Cesar 16 years, 6 months ago

yes it does. That's why I've got a huge, 64MB expander.

It makes marvels.

SoberMilk 16 years, 6 months ago

Where can I get this? Ive already considered the EZ 3-in-1 but I dont realy know much about it.

sirxemic 16 years, 6 months ago

Why is it so hard using the youtube tag correctly!?

