Anyway, do this :1 - Bring back the old forums.2 - A new look to the site. Im bored with this one.3 - 4 - PenisAnd then some.TooT TooT SoniC WarrioRTooT TooT SoniC WarrioRTooT TooT SoniC WarrioRAnyway…GTA4 is fun. You can kill hookers and pigs.Yup.So is Ninja Gaiden 2 and Trauma Centre, but you cant kill hookers in them. Only Demons and disease. Pissers.Kirby Kirby Kirby, is the name you should know,Kirby Kirby Kirby, he's the star of the show,He's more than you think hes got maximum pink, Kirby Kirby Kirby's the one!He's coming riiight back at ya. He's coming riiight back at ya.Give it all that you've got, take your very best shot.He'll send it right back at ya for sure, yeah!NME Salesman: What can I get you King DDD?King DDD: I need a monster that can clobber that there kirby,NME Salesman: Thats what we do best here at NMEEscargoon: You'd better get it with a money back guarentee,*Trumpet solo*Kirby Kirby Kirby, saving the day.Kirby Kirby Kirby, he's here to stay,Don't be fooled by his size, you wont believe your eyes,Kiirrbby Kiiiiiirrrbyyyyy, Kirby Kirby Kirby Kirby Kirby's the one!Right back at ya! Yeah!
Must… Resist… TF2GLAND…
We could bring back the classic banfests…
DO DOO DEE DOO DEE DOO DOO DEE DOO DOO…I heard kirby plays for the other team.
"A new look to the site"
I lol'dSince when do we need ANY forums? Admittedly, though, the old forums were cool.
<3 youtube poop