First Blog

Posted by SoundGuy on Dec. 19, 2007, 10:21 a.m.

Hi everyone,

You alright? Hope so. This is my first blog entry so don't go so hard on me lol. Basically, I have a mac and I am really pissed off that they can't run .exe files. Can somebody please make basic game developing software for mac?! It is driving me CrAzY//.

Anyway, I had a brilliant game idea that hit me when I was really young and i am thinking of actually creating it. At the moment all I have got are pictures that I drew in Yr.4 so… But I would be happy to send a basic storyline to someone capable of translating into a short game. Oh and by the way Mat is the fantastic genius who got me into this. Cheers Mat.

Thats about all I have to say. So… I will see ya later!



stampede 17 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, usually you use Illustrator when you are making some print material. That needs good resolution images. (I use Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop at the work all the time).

Advice: If you want to make webimage with Illustrator, draw it there and then paste it to Photoshop and add final touches. Like size and so on. :)

wazu 17 years, 2 months ago

Enigma is going to make GM turn into Mac-friendly programs…. I think.

wazu 17 years, 2 months ago


IF you really need to run GM, then you can get Wine or Boot Camp and then get XP from some torrent site. -

bman3737 17 years, 2 months ago

Silver Creator is a FREE, easy to use BASIC compiler for the Mac. (don't hound on me if I wasn't supposed to do that, I didn't know). It's still being worked on (VERY SLOWLY) but it's easy and has a nice community at the forums.

frenchcon1 17 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to 64digits. Please leave your sanity in the little red box by the door, and don't feed ChIkEn… EVA.

BTW, if somethign goes wrong, melee-master did it.

Dom 17 years, 1 month ago

also dont forget if you ever talk to melee the first thing you have to say to him is that hes fat…

welcome BTW if you want you can send me the story and i will look over it.