Booyah! Build 3.5 is done

Posted by SplinterCell37 on March 10, 2007, 6:48 a.m.

Ladies and Gentleman, and Grif*, I present to you my first fully stable (I hope) build of the unnamed topdown shooter, build 3.5.

…Hey crowd, this is your cue. Cheer. Cheeeer. (Yeesh, tough audience).

I've invested a lot of sweat and tears - well, at least the tears - into getting a core topdown engine working with a comfortable gameplay experience, and fixing up all of my noobish mistakes. Ah well, this IS how I chose to learn the parts of Game Maker I didn't know about already.

I'd like to ask anyone to volunteer to give this a couple of test runs. Just try it, and try it again, and again a few times to make sure everything's running. If you spot a glitch, tell me how it happened and what it was, what you were doing at the time etc. There isn't much content so it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes of your time. PM me if you want try it, and I'll send you the .gm6. I'd rather post a WIP when I've got more content, hehe.

(And don't be shy, it'll take ten minutes for you to try it out and say 'it's fine' or 'it sucks')

Thanks. :) Oh yeah, I've got a new computer now. Pretty cool! It's got a 128mb graphics card (or 256, I'm not sure…) and an AMD Athlon 64 3800+ AM2 processor or something like that. Either way, it's still a really cool computer. And how're things for all you guys? And girls? And Grif**?

*If you don't get it, watch Red vs Blue.

**See above.

EDIT: Okay, two glitches have been found. One was easily fixed, the other is still being worked on.

Edit EDIT: The glitches have been fixed, and now that I've discovered arguments (yes…I didn't know about them…) and realised how powerful they were, I'm reconstructing the engine so that the AI reacts realtime, and can react to any allies, not just the player. I think I should probably use parent objects as well, probably be a smarter idea.

I'm thinking that if I design it right it would easily translate into multiplayer. Not saying I will, of course, but it could be.

I'm working on Build 3.6 with some turret AI (which is already almost finished) and some AI shooting and tactics. More as it comes.


Jaxx 17 years, 11 months ago

1st comment-Yay. Good RedvsBlua slogan.