So in total, I've done jack.

Posted by SplinterCell37 on May 29, 2007, 8:33 a.m.

Haha…I just realised I joined this site, made some blogs, disappeared for a while and never contributed anything.

Wow, I suck.

I'm not dead though (yet). I'll put together some beginner tutorials and shove those on the site (How to do select-drag, how to do team controls for soldiers, some basic follow AI, and some examples like a gun engine etc. Probably things that most people know, but hopefully newbies to GML will get a better idea of it).

Also, Warhammer 40K Victory or Death is temporarily on the shelf (though, mind you, I haven't been able to make any improvements since the last blog because…well I kinda suck, really) while I do a major project for school. Which is, of course, Game Design related. Me and a couple of friends are making a Star Wars game (we decided an RPG would be illogical considering we only have four weeks), so as lead technical designer, which sounds flashier than it actually is, I'm going to have to do my research on how to convincingly control a lightsabre with a mouse and make it fun, too. Without, of course, doing weird stuff like have the lightsabre pierce through his head (a thing I've occasionally seen on GM star wars games).

Wow, I just noticed the way the box goes larger as you type more text. That's really cool. Kudos to whoever programmed that.


marbs 17 years, 9 months ago

I'm not dead
Good going!

[deleted user] 17 years, 9 months ago

I'm not dead

That's what you think 0_o

Also, what's the 37 for?

SplinterCell37 17 years, 9 months ago

Hahaha =P

The 37 is just a favourite number - numbers are required to create a username in the Ubi forums. The username kinda stuck, so I use it (and variants of) everywhere to make it easy to remember. [Posted here so others can see if curious.]